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Maskinteknisk termodynamik. Grundlag for forelæsninger for maskiningeniørstuderende ved Danmarks tekniske højskole, Polyteknisk læreanstalt. 1951, Mansa, J.L., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Construction and building materials. U.S. Department of Commerce! National production authority. Monthly industry report. 1951, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Nordiske kemikermøder. 4.nordiske kjemikermøte i Oslo 27-“30. juni 1132. Forhandlinger. Oslo 1933. 1951, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Flow measurement with orifice meters. T\v R.F.Stearns a.o. New York,van Nostrand, 1951. 1951, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Selection and application of oil burners. 1951. [45] s. (Fotokopi of "Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions" .) 1951, Laidlaw, A.B.S., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Anglo-American council on productivity. Coal. Report of a productivity team representing the British coal mining industry which visited the U.S.A. in 1951. 1951, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Einführung in die Probleme des elektrischen Lichtbogen- und V/iderstandsofens. 1951, (Ikke digitaliseret)