Symposium on coordination chemistry, Tihany 1964. Proceedings. M.T.Beck. 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Plansee Seminar " De re metallica". 5.Seminar,Reutte/Tirol 1964. Vorträge: Metalle für die Raumfahrt. Hrsg.von F.Benesovsky. 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Applications of spectroscopy to organic chemistry. 1965, Brand, J.G.D.; Eglinton, G., (Ikke digitaliseret)
ByggAMA 1965. Allmän material- och arbetsbeskrivning for husbyggnadsarbeten jämte upphandlingsföreskrifter. Utg.av AB ByggAMA. 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Molykote. Mitteilungen aus Forschung und praxis. Hrsg.: Molykote technische Dienst. 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
A test of the factor-analytically derived automated classification method applied to descriptions of work and search requests of nuclear physicists. 1965, Atherton, P.; Borko, H., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Statistical theory and methodology in science and engineering. 1965, Brownlee, K.A., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Intrex. Report of a planning conference on information transfer experiments, 1965. Ed."by C .F. J. Overhage and R.J.Harman. Sponsored by the Independence foundation of Philadelphia,Pa. 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Untersuohungen zur Peinstruktur der Gene ady und ad£ von Schizosaccharomyces pombe LIND. 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The production engineer. The journal of the Institution of production engineers. 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Space communications: Theory and applications. A bibliography. Compiled by R.F. Filipowsky a.o. 1965, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Immaterialretsposi tioner. Bidrag til læren om de lovbestemte enerettigheder og deres forhold til den almene konkurrenceret. 1965, Koktvedgaard, M., (Ikke digitaliseret)