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Sbomik rabot instituta energetiki pamjati akademika V.vV.Khrustjeva. Kiev 1946. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Planning and civic comment. Official organ of: American planning and civic associatioi National conference on state parks. Washington, D.C. 1946-56. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Artificial sunlight treatment in industry, A report on the results of three trials -in an office, a factory and a coalmine. London,H.M.stationery off.1946. 1946, Colebrook, D., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Instrument practice. A monthly journal covering the whole of instrument technology and instrumentation. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
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Parking. Saugatuck,Connecticut,The Sno Foundation for highway traffic control, 1946. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
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