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The packaging of food and beverages (packing and packaging, materials, methods and machinery for f1111ng, sealing, labelling and displaying food products), A concise up-to-date book of papers, board materials, food containers, cartons, boxes 00, London,Trade Journals Ltd,,1960. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
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Politische und ökonomische Grundlagen der Meliorationsplanung. 1960, Gromeyer, E.; Schneider, W., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Massänderung und Faserbeanspruchung von Wäschestoffen bei verschiedenen Trocknungs-Verfahren. 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Course on analogue computer techniques and applications to nuclear engineering and chemical processing problems9 21st March ,=> 26th March, 1960. Lecture notes bysToHen-nig9 K^Solberg, ToAoSten, a<,Oo The Netherlands 5 ^Norwegian Reactor School, Kjeller, Instofor Atomenergij1960, [Forsk,paginering] 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)
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The Institute of Radio Engineers , 1960 International convention record ,,, Vol,8: Part 5: Communications systems § Space electronics and telemetry, " 62 Component parts § Industrial electronics? Production techniques? Reliability & Quality control? Ultrasonics engineering, ” 7: Audio? Broadcast and télévision receivers? Broadcasting, 1960, (Ikke digitaliseret)