Aqueous reprocessing chemistry for irradiated fuels. La chimie du traitement par voie aqueuse des combustibles irradiés. Brussels symposium 1963. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
National research council of Egypt. Guide to scientific and technical workers in Egypt. Classified subject and name indexes and lists of institutions in Egypt, Cairo 1963. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Untersuchungen über Fadenbildungsreaktionen beim Viskosespinnprozess. 1963, Maron, R., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Origin and destination, techniques and evaluations. 9 reports. Presented at the 42nd annual meeting, Jan. 'J-11, 1963. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Opgaver i naturlære for tekniske assistenter Det Tekniske Selskabs Skoler. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
^CK^jS2J£re Eks.lsK Wie funktioniert das?^Technische Vorgänge, in Wort und Bild erklärt. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Determination of phenols in coal tars and hydroxyl groups in coal by forming trimethyl si lyl ethers. By S.Friedman a.o. 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The sources of increased efficiency: a study of Du Pont rayon plants, Cambridge, Mass.,M.I,,1963. 1963, Hollander, S., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Göteborg. Chalmers tekniska högskola. Institutionen för vattenförsörjning och avloppsteknik. Publikationsserie B. GÖteborg 1963- Nr.l- 1963, (Ikke digitaliseret)