James Means and. the problem of manflight during the period 1882-1920. 1964, Means, J.H., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Järnets och stålets metallografi. De lege-rade stålens metallografi. Olika ståltypers användning. Värmebehandling. Av E. Nygren o.a. [Utg.av] Sandvikens jernverks aktiebolag. Sandviken 1964. 1964, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Röntgenographische Untersuchung der Kristallstruktur des Stranskiit Zn Cu(Asö ) 2. 1964, Sänger, G., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Regleringsteknik. Apparater och instrument for automatisk mattning, beräkning och styring. [Stockholm],Svenska bokförlaget, 1964. 1964, Attebo, G., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Schieferdecker,K. und 0.Wiedemann Schwere Heizöle. Eigenschaften - Umschlag - Verbrennung. Leipzig,VEB Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie, 1964. 143 a. 1964, (Ikke digitaliseret)
U.S.S.R.direct current research. Reports of the Leningrad direct current research institute. 1964, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Materiallära. Metaller, polymerer, trä. [Utg.av] Maskinaktiebolaget Karlebo. 1964, (Ikke digitaliseret)
92(koil,) Dan HB Dansk skønlitterært forfatterleksikon 1900-1950. Red.,S.Dahl og P.Engelstoft. 1964, (Ikke digitaliseret)
A joint college/industry library with automata. The report of a study of the bases, including the use of the techniques of automata, for providing the capability for a science library for academic-industry use. Prepared for Harvey mudd college, science and engineering. Reprinted by Council on library resources. 1964, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Darstellung und IR-spektroskopische Untersuchung der CIS-Hyponitrite. 1964, Laitenberger, K., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Basic electronic circuits. A basic training manual developed by a special electronics training investigation team of the Royal electrical & mechanical engineers working in conjunction with Technical training command of the Royal air force and Decca radar limited. Part 1-2. 1964, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Hot machining. A means of lower cost turning and m1111ng of hard steels and superalloys. 1964, (Ikke digitaliseret)