Orientering om det vesttyske marked. Udg.af Udenrigsministeriets Erhvervs- , kontor. 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Report on the testing and analysis of an investigation'into the compara-i tive efficiency of indexing systems. ASLIB Granfield Research Project. Cran-field 1962. 1962, Cleverdon, C.W., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Soil and slope stabilization and moisture and density determination developments. Presented at the 40th annual meeting, January 9-13>1961. 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Inert atmospheres in the chemical, metallurgical and atomic energy industries. 1962, Vhite, P.A.F.; Smith, S.E., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of engineering mechanics, statics and dynamics. 1962, Nelson, E.W., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Introduktion til den organiske kemis teori. Udg.af Danmarks ingeniørakademi, kemiafdelingen. 1962, Sørensen, P., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Bituminøse vejbelægninger. Foredrag og diskussioner fra kursus i Dansk ingeniørforening 6.-9.november 1962. 32^ s. 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Arbetsledares uppgifter inom hus-byggnadsindustrin. 1962, Wirdenius, H.; Lönnsjö, S., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Die physiologische Bedeutung des Natriums für die Pflanze. [Hft.] 1: Versuche mit höheren Pflanzen. 1962, Baumeister, V.; Schmidt, L., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Investigation of a pumping sampler with alternate suspended-sediment handling systems. A cooperative project sponsored by the Subcommittee on Sedimentation, Inter-Agency Committee on Water Resources. Minneapolis ,Minnesota 1962. 1962, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Untersuchung von mono- und polynuklearen Vanadaten und Wolframaten mittels einer Strömungsapparaturo 1962, Geier, G., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Electromechanics. A first course in electromechanical energy conversion. 1962, Skilling, H.H., (Ikke digitaliseret)