Automatic control and computer engineering. Vol. 1. [Discussions at a conference on computer engineering, called for by the Scientific-Technical Society of the instrument making industry]. 1961, (Ikke digitaliseret)
High temperature research. (Ceramics, gases, lubricants, plastics, electrical and electronic equipment, etc.). 1961, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Introductory system analysis. Signals and systems in electrical engineering. 1961, Truxal, J.G., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Uranium, plutonium, and nuclear breeders. Long-term prospects for nuclear power in Brotain. U.K.Atomic Energy Authority. 1961, Gillams, J.L., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Higher geometry. An introduction to advanced methods in analytic geometry. 1961, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Kry3enko,G.D. und P.T.Astasenkov Rakete - Flugbahn - Lenksystem. rBerlin],Deutscher Militärverlag, 1961, (Ikke digitaliseret)
U.S.S.R.Official bulletin of patents & inventions. [En cover-to-cover oversættelse af: Bjulletin' izobre-teni j ]. [TicLl. tit. : Russian patents abstracts] 1961, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Mejeriernes og mælkeproducenternes forsyning med vand. VedoG.OoAndrup o,a. 1961, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Glass in architecture and decoration. With a section on the nature and properties of glass. By H.E.Beckett. [ 1961, Frost, A.C., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Bergeret,P (ed.) Escape and survival: Clinical and biological problems in aero space medicine. Publ.for Advisory group for aeronautical research and development, North Atlantic treaty organisation. 1961, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Land use and development at highway interchanges , A symposium,. Presented at the 40th annual meeting, January 9-13? 19610 1961, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Insulation levels and corona phenomena on H.V.Do Co transmission lines. 1961, Witt, H., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Indføring i grundbegreber for strøm-ningsmaskiner. Udgivet som notat. 1961, Krogh, K., (Ikke digitaliseret)