Danish academy of technical sciences. Transactions. No.l. 1946-55 " 2. 1946-55. Indgâet i : Acta polytechnics, se dette. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Zürich. [Schweiz] Die Eidg. Anstalt für Wasserversorgung. Abwasserreinigung und Gewüsserschutz an der eidg.techn.Hochschule, Zürich. Mitteilungen. Zürich 1946-No.l- 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The Colorado River. A comprehensive report on the development of the water resources of the Colorado River Basin for irrigation, power production, and other beneficial uses in Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Math is, (Automo b il-in st rukt ionsbog) 1946. Forlang: Katalog.Mathis.1946.385. Står på 3.sal. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Test bars for S5-5-5-5 alloy, their design and some factors affecting their design. Pu.bl.l3y American Poundrymen’s Association. Chicago,111.,1946. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Institut für Plugzeugstatik und Flugzeugbau an der eidg. teehn, Hochschule in Zürich. Mitteilungen. Zürich 1946-Nr.l- 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Patents of invention. Origin and growth of the patent system in Britain. Publ.for The British Council. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
British, timbers, their properties, uses and identification. With notes on the growth and cultivation of the trees. 1946, Boulton, E.H.B.; Jay, B.A., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Erhvervsliv. Tidsskrift for forretningsledelse, produktion, regnskab, salg og reklame. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Novbye svarscuye avtomatv instituta elekt-rosvarki. Udg.af Akademi ja Nauk Ukrainskoj S.S.Rs,Institut elektrosvarki. Kiev 1946. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Domestic heating in America. A study of heating, cooking and hot water supply in small houses in U.S.A. and Canada. London, H.M.stationery off.,1946. 1946, (Ikke digitaliseret)