Table of natural logarithms for arguments between five and ten to sixteen decimal places. 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
The calculations of deformations of welded metal structures. 1958, Okerblom, N.O., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Z.L.A.abstracts. A review of recent technical literature on the uses of zinc and its products with other material of interest. Issued by the Zinc development association. 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Diesel and burner fuels- New York,The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1958 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Norway, (Studies on management organization in various European countries) 1958, Osthagen, T., (Ikke digitaliseret)
Contribution h l’étude de l'oxydation thermocatalytique de mélanges pauvres d'hydrogène sulfuré et d'air sur diverses masses de contact. 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Teknisk-videnskabeligt specialapparatur på laboratorier under Danmarks tekniske Højskole og Akademiet for de tekniske Videnskaber, 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Gleichgewichtsgase der Verbrennung und Vergasung, Wärmetechnische Berechnungen. 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Elektrotehniski vestnik. [Zeitschrift für Elektrotechnik] Ljubljana 1958- Letnik 26- 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Technical terms in English, Russian, French, German, Swedish, Portuguese and Spanish used in soil mechanics and foundation engineering. Russian text and index by M.E.Shneider, N.J.Denisov. Moscow,State Publishing office for Physical and Mathematical Literature,1958, _ SICC 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)
Epoche Atom und Automation. Enzyklopädie des technischen Jahrhunderts. Band 1-4 1958, (Ikke digitaliseret)