Danmarks Handel og Industri

Forfatter: H. B. Krenchel

År: 1919

Forlag: J. H. Schultz A/S

Sted: København

Sider: 234

UDK: 38(...)

Udarbejdet paa Handelsministeriets Foranstaltning

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XXIX been able, during the years of War, to conclude with the belligerent powers the trade agreements, which in this hard period have been the basis of the entire foreign trade of Denmark. Under The Merchants’ Guild, which has its premises at the Exchange in Copenhagen, ranges a series of associations for the different branches of commerce, and under the auspices of the Guild a series of survey and arbitration committees have been established, which are highly recognised and well reputed even beyond the pale of the country. This remark holds good especially as regards the arbitration committee for grain and feeding sluffs which displays an extremely comprehensive and important activity. The merchants in the Danish provinces have organised themselves in the Chamber of Commerce for the Provincial Towns (address: Købmagergade 1.1, Copenhagen K.). Finally the Merchants’ Guild, in conjunction with delegates from the different provincial mercantile associations, form 7 he Joint Representation of the Danish Mercantile Classes (Den danske Handels- stands Fællesrepresentation). The Chamber of Manufacturers (address: Vestre Boulevard 18, Copen- hagen B) — which, as mentioned, is the organisation for the industry and which in the course of a few years has achieved a very honourable position both here and abroad —■ has as a branch of its activity established an Export Bureau, which will render assistance to everybody desiring in- formation regarding Danish industrial productions. Besides the Chamber of Manufacturers, there is also The Mutual Representation of Danish Handi- craft and Industry (Fællesrepræsentionen for dansk Haandværk og Industri), which furthers the interests mainly of handicraft and small industrial concerns. In 1895 Danish Export Association, (Dansk Exportforeniny), (address: Vestre Boulevard 36) was established.