Danmarks Handel og Industri

Forfatter: H. B. Krenchel

År: 1919

Forlag: J. H. Schultz A/S

Sted: København

Sider: 234

UDK: 38(...)

Udarbejdet paa Handelsministeriets Foranstaltning

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Side af 294 Forrige Næste
29 Malt. — Malt. — Malt. — Malz. On account of the excellent quality of the barley used and in conse- quense of the complete technical management in the production of the malt the Danish malt factories turnout a product that is distinguished as well by its great composition of extracts as by its fine appearance. The article therefore is an excellent basis for the production of beer and has year by year made more and more progress in competition with the pro- ducts of other countries. Danish malt is exported to the whole of Scan- dinavia, Finland and Russia in addition to overseas contries, such as Brazil and South Africa. To distant places, the product is packed in zinc lined wooden cases of 150 Kilos, for protection against damp but at shorter distances it is sent in bags. The yearly export of Danish barley for malting and malt reaches a value of 11—12 milion Kroner. De danske Maltfabrikker, Ltd. (T. »Maltfabrikkerne«), Løngangs- stræde 16. Copenhagen. Kjøbenhavns Bryggerier og Malterier, Ltd. ( T .»Hvidtøl«). Stef ansgade 51. — Tuborg Fabrikker, Ltd. (T. »Tuborg«), Strandvej. Hellerup. Lundberg, Ltd. (T. »Lundberg«). Ebeltoft. Østjydske Bryggerier, Ltd. Aarhus. Randers Maltfabrik. Randers. Langelands Korn-, Foderstof- og Gødningsforretning, (T. »Foder- stof«). Rudkjøbing. Havregryn. — Crushed Oats. — Gruau d ’avoine. — Hafergrütze. Ota, Ltd., 8 Cort Adelersgade. . Copenhagen. Den fydske Havregrynsmølle. Skive. Svendborg Boghvede- & Havremølle. (T. »Boghvedemøllen«). Svendborg. Biscuit, Kiks, Skibsbrød. — Biscuits, Ships’bread. — Biscuits, biscuits de mer. — Biskuit, Schiffszwiebach. De forenede Skibsbrødfabrikker (The United Shipbread Factories), Ltd. (T. »Skibsbrød«), Islands Plads. Copenhagen. Speciality: Shipsbread. — Spécialité: Biscuits de mer. — Spezialität: Schiffszwiebach. Engelsk-Dansk Biscuits Fabrik, Ltd. (T. »Engelskdansk«), 35—37 Heimdalsgade. — Reinhard van Hauen, (T. »Mac.«), 177 GI. Kongevej. — Jensen & Møller, 75 Dronningensgade. — Biscuitfabrikken Norden, 15 Jyllandsvej. — T. signifies Telegraphic address.