Western Canada and its Great Resources
The Testimony of Settlers, farmer Delegates and high Authorities
År: 1893
Forlag: Printed by the Government printing Bureau
Sted: Ottawa
Sider: 38
UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago
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. W e then proceeded to Yorkton, on the Manitoba and North-west Railway. We
at nv< d in York ton, and proci ecL d by teams to view the land north and west. We
saw and conversed with several old settlers from South Dakota. They are all well
satisfied, and would not change their location. We went as far as Quill Lake, and
ound the land and country generally good for mixed farming. The crops look well,
grass good and plenty.
Wm. Howden, Cooperstown, Griggs Co., North Dakota.
Ellef Olson, Ottawa do do
Peter B. Helland, Sharron do do
Gudmund Gudmundser, Romnes, Griggs Co. do
Jas. Phalen, Forrest River, Grand Forks Co. do
R. Rutledge,--------, Palk Co. do
J. A. Bole,-------, Foster Co. do
Testimony of three gentlemen from Nelson County, North Dakota
We the undersigned, after having been three weeks examining the unoccupied
terming lands in the vicinity of Yorkton, Prince Albert, Regina and other parts of the
Canadian. North-west, do hereby certify that the representations made to our people by
Mr Martin McDonald, immigration agent, as to quality of land and supplies of wood,
wa er, c c., &c., have been more than verified to us by our personal examination. And
we axe no hesitancy in saying that the intending settler cannot find a more inviting
country on the American continent to day to establish a home than on the line of the
Manitoba and North-western Railway in the vicinity of Yorkton, or Prince. Albert.
John Hennessy, Delegate from Nelson Co., North Dakota.
D. McDougall do do do
Richard Carr do do do
A Letter from Fort Saskatchewan.
Dear Sir,—I arrived here on the 18th of April and found the spring well advanced
and grain, that was m early up and looking fine. Rented land from Robert McKernan •
put in acres of oats and 12 acres of barley and 1 acre of potatoes. The spriiv was
dry and no rain till 10th June : then got plenty of rain, and threshed 716 sacks of oats •
weighed some of the sacks and they weighed from 106 to 110 lbs. I had 600 bushels of
barley and 500 bushels of potatoes. I consider that I had a good crop all round. I
have been threshing all fall, and have seen some better and some not so good.
James Port, on south 28, township 53, range 22, had 12 acres of wheat that went
55^ bushels per acre; that is the best I know of. I feel sure that we can raise as good
wheat as any place in America. As for oats and barley, we are away ahead. Potatoes
cabbage, turnips, onions, beans, pease and rhubarb are beyond description ; no man
would believe it till he sees it. I have seen some fine fields of timothy. Have seen the
fattest cattle here I ever saw. Sheep do well, and there is lots of money in ho»s, as we
can grow barley and not half try, and there is a good market north for more pork than
will ever be raised here. The growth of grass is something wonderful ; on the high land
it was 3 feet high, mixed with pea vine—better pasture a man could not ask for°
I remain, yours truly,
-I* ort Saskatchewan.