Western Canada and its Great Resources
The Testimony of Settlers, farmer Delegates and high Authorities

År: 1893

Forlag: Printed by the Government printing Bureau

Sted: Ottawa

Sider: 38

UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago

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20 WESTERN CANADA We found the farmers all prosperous ; thoroughly satisfied with their prospects. The people we met all looked the picture of health, and all well clad. We enquired particularly about chattel mortgages, and we found it difficult to make the farmers understand what they were, but when, we told them how universal they were in South Dakota, and that the usual rate of interest is twenty-four to thirty-six per cent, they looked astonished, and asked us why we stayed in such a country, and under such a condition of things. Our answer was that we would get out just as soon as we could complete arrangements. In conclusion—we spent three weeks looking over this beautiful country, and found it satisfactory in every respect, and found it much better than we expected from the description given by the agents. We desire to say to our friends and neighbours in South Dakota who are not satisfied with their success here, that they can make a success there, with a little means and their own labour. GEO. WENTWORTH, F. G. WENTWORTH. 28th September, 1891. ______ A Plain Statement. I came from Port Hope (Ontario) and settled on Sheep Creek, in Alberta, 20th July, 1883. When I landed all I had was $70. I paid $32 to have four acres broken. This I sowed in. 1884, and threshed 225 bushels, part of iny crop being spoiled. In 1885, 1886 I sowed 14, and threshed 500 1,500 bushels, do do 22 do 1887 do 28 do 1,800 do 1888 do 40 do 2,000 do 1889 do 45 do 2,800 do 1890 do 100 do 2,000 (drought). 1891 do 200 do 7,065 bushels. I own 960 acres of land, all of which is fenced. I own 76 head of cattle and 14 horses, 1 binder, 2 mowers, and implements needed for cultivation of my land, and work 5 teams. I estimate the value of my estate as follows :— 960 acres fenced at $10.............................. $9,600 00 76 cattle............................................. 2,000 00 14 horses............................................ 2,000 00 Implements.......................................... 1,000 00 ___________ $14,600 00 27th January, 1892. JOSEPH BRICE. ____ THEY LIKE THE COUNTRY. ______ A Trip through Western Canada by a number of Portage County men. Stevens Point, Wis., 5th December, 1892. J. W. Montague, Esq., Colonization Agent. Dear Sir,—We, the undersigned, have much pleasure in handing you the following brief report of our late trip through Western Canada and the valley of the great Sas- katchewan River. We left Stevens Point on 10th November, 1892, by Wisconsin Central Railroad, and arrived in Prince Albert by Canadian Pacific train on Saturday night, 12th November. Mr. R. H. Mair, local immigration agent, met us at the depot and escorted us to oui' hotel, where we enjoyed a quiet rest after our long and weary journey