Western Canada and its Great Resources
The Testimony of Settlers, farmer Delegates and high Authorities

År: 1893

Forlag: Printed by the Government printing Bureau

Sted: Ottawa

Sider: 38

UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago

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28 WESTERN CANADA (From the Alpena, Mich., Pioneer.) THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST. A LETTER FROM A PRESQUE ISLE COUNTY FARMER WHO HAS BEEN THERE. Onaway, Jan. 19, 1893. Dear Sir,—I have been to the Alberta district, N.W.T., and have looked over the country from Olds to Edmonton, and am just in love with that country. I examined every feature of the country pertaining to mixed farming, and believe it to be unsur- passed. I have located near Wetaskiwin, three quarter-sections, one for myself and each of my boys, and have locations for some of my neighbours on homestead and C.P. R.R. lands. I will buy one quarter section of C.P.R.R. lands when I get there if possible. When I arrived home I found all well, and have had plenty of callers. I did not think there were so many of my neighbors that were waiting for me to come back to hear about that country. There were five men. here this afternoon that live about ten miles away, and when I told them about the country they all said they wore going out in the spring, and wanted me to get full particulars concerning rates for passengers, and what a car would cost from Cheboygan. One man has five boys old enough to take land, and several other neighbours say they are going out in the spring. I expect to make entry for land for some of my neighbors if the land is not taken before our appli- cation is in. It is just wonderful, the families that are coming to that country. We have made up our minds to go, whether we sell or not, and will take all the stock we are allowed to take in one car. I believe I now know more .about the advantages and features of that country than many who have Jived there for a year or more. I will write to you later. N. NEWSTED, Onaway, Presque Isle Co., Mich. A French-Canadian who has tried the States and finds Western Canada a BETTER COUNTRY. Oak Lake, Man., Dec. 30th, 1892. I, Eugéne Benoit, of section 10-8-24, west 1st meridian, county of Dennis, Province of Manitoba, state, that I came here from the Province of Quebec in 1889, (County of Drummond). I had lived in the State of Vermont, U.S. I had about $800 of a capital. I had a family. I took up a homeste id and bought another 160 acres of land near by. I have a good claim for stock-raising, and a good quarter-section for wheat-raiding. I have 100 acres in cultivation now, and a comfortable house. I have i head of cattle and 5 horses j all the farm machinery, plough, harrows, binder, seeder, wagons, &c., also a steam thresher. I am satisfied with the locality and the change from the. State of Vermont. The prospects here are better. EUGÉNE BENOIT. N.B.—It is learned on good authority that this settler is worth over $2,500 now.