Western Canada and its Great Resources
The Testimony of Settlers, farmer Delegates and high Authorities

År: 1893

Forlag: Printed by the Government printing Bureau

Sted: Ottawa

Sider: 38

UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago

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DOMINION LANDS REGULATIONS HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. All even-numbered sections of agricultural land, excepting 8 and 26, are open for homestead entry, unless specially reserved for some other purpose. ENTRY. Entry may be made personally at the local land office in which the land to be taken is situate, or, if the homesteader desires, he may, on application to the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, or the Commissioner of Dominion Lands, Winnipeg, receive authority for some one near the local office to make the entry for him. The fee for entry is $10. DUTIES. Under the present law, homestead duties may be performed in three ways: 1. Three years’ cultivation and residence, during which period the settler may not be absent for more than six months in. any one year without forfeiting the entry. 2. Residence for three years within two miles of the homestead quarter-section, the last three months of which residence must be in a habitable house erected upon such homestead. Ten acres must be broken the first year after entry, 15 acres additional in the second, and 15 acres in the third year; 10 acres to be in crop the second year, and 25 acres the third year. 3. A settler may reside anywhere for the first two years, in the first year breaking 5 acres, in. the second year cropping said 5 acres, and breaking additional 10 acres, also building a habitable house. The entry is forfeited if residence is not commenced at the expiration of two years from date of entry. Thereafter the settler must reside upon and cultivate his homestead for at least six months in each year for three years. APPLICATION FOR PATENT may be made before the local agent or any homestead inspector. Six months’ notice must be given in writing to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands by a settler of his intention, prior to making application for patent. All communications having reference to lands under control of the Dominion Government, lying between the eastern boundary of Manitoba and the Pacific coast, should be addressed to The Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Ottawa, or the Commissioner of Dominion Lands, Winnipeg, Manitoba.