Motor Road Transport For Commercial Purposes
(Liquid Fuel, Steam, Electricity)

Forfatter: John Phillimore

År: 1920

Forlag: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd.

Sted: London

Sider: 212

UDK: 629.113

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212 INDEX Running Costs—(contd.) weekly reports, 63 Steam Wagon and Steam Tractor. County Council haulage, 104 detailed estimate, 102 tractor haulage v. team labour, 108 trailers, 103 types, 99 weekly costs, average, 107 Running reports, weekly, 63 Russia, road mileage of, 2 Selection of vehicle, 24 —• —, determining factor, 28 Side-car, tradesman’s, 45 Skilied mechanic drivers, 35 Small trader’s success, 15 Spain, road mileage of, 2 Spare parts, 148 Speed, 31 Speed and maintenance costs, 35 Standing charges, calculation of, 134 Statistics, traffic, 8 Steam tractors, 97 ------, running costs, 99 Steam wagons and tractors : advantages, 96 brakes, 94 development, 96 lamps, 94 legal regulations, 93 military, 6 registration, 95 running costs, 99 tractor, selection of, 97 Steam wagons—(contd.) running costs, 99 trailei', 95 tyre considerations, 94 THREE-wheeled van, costs of operation, 49 Ton-mile costs, 48 Tractor costs, approximate, 76 — haulage v. team, labour, 108 — lorry costs, 75 Tractors, military, 5 —, steam, 97 Trader’s pitfalls, 26 Trades employing trailers, 114 Tradesman’s side-car, 45 Trading radius, extension of, 14 Traffic statistics, 8 Trailers : advantages, 113 clutch trouble, 112 commercial Utility, 114 disad vantages, 113 steam wagon, 95 trades employing trailers, 114 Tricycle, box van, 44 Types of vehicles for different services, 30 Tyres, solid and pneumatic, 148-154 Variety of motor vehicles, 26, 30 Vehicle, selection of a, 24 Weekly mileage and vehicle costs, 47 Weekly running reports (30 cwt. van), 63 Printed by Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Lid, Balh, England v—(1889)