Motor Road Transport For Commercial Purposes
(Liquid Fuel, Steam, Electricity)
Forfatter: John Phillimore
År: 1920
Forlag: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd.
Sted: London
Sider: 212
UDK: 629.113
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Another instance in which this may happen is in
dealing with a man uf act urer who is in only a small
way of business. Instead of informing the inquirer
that, if it is wished to carry a net load of 30 cwt., a
higher price must be paid for the chassis than for that
built to carry 20 cwt. only, he short-sightedly agrees
to put a body on the chassis which will result in its
being constantly overburdened.
The Question of Power.
The next important point is that of power in its
alliance with vehicle speed and gearing.
Different trades necessitate different rates of speed
in their delivery service. There are in consequence
several considerations which must be well weighed
before the final selection of a van is made, in order
to ensure that the choice will be a wise one.
It is not sufficient that the vehicle should be able
to accomplish its journeys with punctuality, but it
should also be run in the most economical way. It
is astonishing how little attention is paid to this
Great Economies Possible.
There are firms to-day owning fleets of commercial
motor vehicles representing tens of thousands of pounds,
who, with a little adjustment here and there in the
organization of their despatch service, or with greater
foresight in the selection of new vehicles, could save
some hundreds of pounds in the year.
Careful observation shows that this occurs through
want of experience or lack of interest, often coupled
with inadequate record-keeping. The directors of
the firm find that motor transport costs them much
less proportionately than horse haulage, and there
they rest content. They do not seem to consider