Motor Road Transport For Commercial Purposes
(Liquid Fuel, Steam, Electricity)
Forfatter: John Phillimore
År: 1920
Forlag: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd.
Sted: London
Sider: 212
UDK: 629.113
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of maintenance costs. This faet can be easily realized
by the owner when he remembers that the driver
is master of the van during the time that it is on the
road. Where no recorders are fitted to the vehicle,
or governors to the engine—and these latter can in
many cases be easily disconnected unless sealed up—
the drive can piease himself as regards speed, provided
he can complete his deliveries.
So mueh, therefore, will depend on the reliability
and conscientiousness of the man, that if he is trust-
worthy and competent he can save his employer a
very considerable sum of money in comparison with.
the careless driver.
It is tempting in hot or wet weather to push the van
to its detriment, or when the load has been delivered,
to hurry home, which is the worst time—as the van
is running light—to drive with full throttle.
Such faults are more likely to be committed by the
semi-skilled mechanic-driver.
The converted horse-driver is used to tre&ting his
means of conveyance with a certain amount of con-
sideration—for Englishmen as a rule are born animal
lovers—moreover, the type of man is more trustworthy,
while the skilied class of man will be mechanically-
minded and, therefore, a lover of machinery. Even
if this is not sufficiently the case to prevent a vehicle
being mishandled, he will understand fully the effeet
of any abuse in driving in its relation to maintenance
and maintenance costs, especially if he works under
a bonus system, and will be det erred on this account.
Ignition : Fixed or Variable ?
There are one or two means connected with driving
by which substantial economy may be effeeted in
the running of petrol vans. One is by employing
variable spark control. The question has been mueh.