Motor Road Transport For Commercial Purposes
(Liquid Fuel, Steam, Electricity)
Forfatter: John Phillimore
År: 1920
Forlag: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd.
Sted: London
Sider: 212
UDK: 629.113
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can reduce the maintenance cost of the car in an
appreciable degree. It will be noticed that when
entering upon a good straight length of road the expert
driver will close his throttle little by little while
advancing the ignition lever notch by notch until the
former is, perhaps, only a third open, and the latter
at the extreme limit. By this time the engine will
have picked up her speed, and will be running with a
true beat and strong clean pull.
The engine should be fed and her wants supplied
primarily by spark-control, and secondly by the
throttle. Once a car is under way the ignition should
be gradually advanced and the gas reduced. It is
largely a question of “ sense ”—“ sense ” as under-
stood by the mechanically-minded. The good driver
will know all about his engine from her “ song,” and
will gauge exactly to what extent he can run on an
early firing point and decreased gas supply, and
vice versa.
Gear Ghanges Gause Strain and Wear.
There are, of course, occasions when the engine
will be working under a heavy load, when ascending a
hill for instance, and in these cases more gas must be
supplied and the ignition point gradually retarded :
but for all light work, such as running on the level or
down a slope, the reverse method should be adopted.
There are many slopes and crests of hilis which could
be surmounted easily if the time of ignition was alter-
able, but which with. a fixed point would necessitate
a change of gear. This is clearly a factor which bears
on the question of economy, and is of no small import-
ance as regards the durability of a car, for changes of
speed cause stress and wear in the mechanism of the
chassis, especially when. it is a matter of taking up
the load on an up-gradient.