Motor Road Transport For Commercial Purposes
(Liquid Fuel, Steam, Electricity)
Forfatter: John Phillimore
År: 1920
Forlag: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd.
Sted: London
Sider: 212
UDK: 629.113
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during a maximum number of working hours, due to
loading and unloading facilities, and to the simplicity
and accessibility of their mechanism.
(4) The capability of comparatively high speed.
There are, naturally, many trades in which the
2 to 5 cwt. load capacity does not seem at first sight
suitable for delivery purposes, but the writer is of
opinion that, where circumstances permit, more might
be done than is done to-day to increase the field of
despatch service and decrease the cost proportionately,
by the employment of two or three light machines
in place of one heavier type of vehicle. It is a faet
beyond dispute that a large percentage of the firms
employing motor haulage do not get the full value
from it, and this is because insufficient attention is
paid to details in organization systems in which the
cost of running might be reduced to an appreciable
This kind of industrial motor is well suited for work
in an area where thick traffic is encountered, and where
the delivery entails frequent stopping and starting.
This is so, partly on account of its comparatively low
Capital value, and also owing to its light weight; the
wear and tear entailed by constant halts being pro-
portionately far less than with the ordinary type of
motor van.
The Box Van Tricycle.
The combined qualities of ease of handling, “ slim-
ness” and capacity for rapid “ picking-up,” allow
these small machines to undertake successfully work
which could not be done with efficiency, if at all, by
any other class of motor vehicle. The form that
combines practicability with the greatest economy
is undoubtedly the pedal-assisted 2 to 3 cwt. box van