All About Engines

Forfatter: Edward Cressy

År: 1918

Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD

Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne

Sider: 352

UDK: 621 1

With a coloured Frontispiece, and 182 halftone Illustrations and Diagrams.

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258 All About Engines due to Stephenson, or rather to one of Stephenson’s workmen named Howe, which deserves a separate paragraph for its description. This is the link motion or reversing gear to enable the engine to run for- wards or backwards. The arrangement shown in Fig. 144 consists of a slotted link attached by pins to a pair of eccentrics Fig. 144.—Stephenson’s link motion so placed on the shaft that when the latter rotated one would move the slide valve forwards while the other would move it backwards. The end of the valve rod is pinned to a block which is capable of sliding up and down in the link—or rather permits the link to rise and fall without putting any strain on the rod. When this link is raised or lowered by means of a lever in the cab, one or the other eccen- tric may be brought into operation, or by keeping