All About Engines
Forfatter: Edward Cressy
År: 1918
Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD
Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
Sider: 352
UDK: 621 1
With a coloured Frontispiece, and 182 halftone Illustrations and Diagrams.
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The boy of to-day lives in a world of engines—en-
gines in front of him, engines behind him, engines
all round him—and most boys are devoured with
curiosity to know how they are made and how they
work. They will go out of their way to see engines,
pluck up courage to ask questions of those in charge,
spend hours reading about them when a suitable
book falls into their hands, and at night dream that
they are spinning along at sixty miles an hour with
their hand on the starting lever of a locomotive, or,
more probably in these days, soaring 10,000 feet high
in an aeroplane.
It is to satisfy such an admirable thirst for in-
formation that this book has been written. Beginning
with an account of a simple engine, and an explana-
tion of how it works by steam, the reader is next
introduced to the pioneers and their difficulties in
order to bring out more clearly the principles involved
in the production of mechanical power. After a
survey of the various types of steam engines and
boilers, gas, petrol, and oil engines are described.
These chapters are followed by brief accounts of the