History of the Typewriter

Forfatter: Geo. Carl Mares

År: 1909

Forlag: Guilbert Pitman

Sted: London

Sider: 318

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—203— The Roya] Grand sells at $100 and the Royal Monarch at $65. The Royal Grand. This model, it will be noticed, has an open front, the type-bars striking at the printing point through an opening in a top cover or dust shed. The object of this dust shed is to prevent dust or erasings from falling among the type-bars, and as a further pre- caution in this respect, the pivot-ends of the bars are ensconsed in a hood. Any interference with the free move- ment of the type-bar is thus safeguarded against. The machine works with a single shift-key, which is in duplicate, and there is a shift-lock for use when all capitals are required. The touch is stated to be exceedingly light and pleasant, and an entirely new feature, which aids considerably in the attainment of this end, is the fact that at the ends of the dogs rollers are affixed, so that the natural tendency to revolve, which these attachments Fig. 149. will manifest when pressure is placed on a key, entirely obviates the necessity for heavy pressure in order to over- come the resistance caused by the pull of the mainspring on the dogs and rack.