History of the Typewriter

Forfatter: Geo. Carl Mares

År: 1909

Forlag: Guilbert Pitman

Sted: London

Sider: 318

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—208— there is no rebound, as it is locked solidly in position—a patented exclusive Secor idea. The keyboard is the universal single-shift, the No. i writing seventy-six characters and the No. 2 writing eighty- four. The shift-key may be locked down for writing capital letters by simply touching the shift-lock, and may be instantly released by touching the regular shift-key. Fig. 152. The Victor Typewriter. This is a very elegantly made machine, in which, as will be observed, the bars strike upward. But the makers, considering that in certain positions writing effected on the front of the platen would not be so clearly seen as it might be, arranged that the imprint should be at a point of fifteen degrees above the horizontal. Tn other words, it is about a line higher on the platen than is the writing on the previous machines mentioned in this class. It is thus considered to be far more readable under all circum- stances, as although the work of such machines as the Underwood or Monarch may be perfectly clear when the light is behind the operator, yet, when the machine is