History of the Typewriter

Forfatter: Geo. Carl Mares

År: 1909

Forlag: Guilbert Pitman

Sted: London

Sider: 318

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—227— under licence or otherwise from the parent Companies. Such include the Caligraph, Ford, Empire, Jewett, etc., each of which is mentioned in the following particulars. Adler. The German edition of the Empire, and so named in honour of the German makers, the Adler Fahrrad- werke, of Frankfurt, A. M. Burg1. An unmarketed type-cylinder machine. Buttner. A simple form of wheel machine. Bracklesburg-. In this machine, types were arranged on several segments, capable of moving in a vertical plane, and with their axes set side by side, so tha-t two or more etters can be printed simultaneously, simply by the act Fig. i6i. of pressing the respective keys. In the machine under notice, there are 132 keys, arranged in nine tiers, and comprising three complete lower case alphabets, one set ot upper case characters, numerals, punctuation marks etc.; and the number can be almost indefinitely extended by adding more type-segments, together of course with the corresponding keys. Cito. This is a new machine on the front strike principle. lhe construction is very simple, and the thirty keys govern ninety characters by means of two shifts. It has only been (at the time of writing) a very short time on the market, and its success or otherwise cannot, so far be Judged. Continental Typewriter. This machine is made by the Wanderer-Fahrradwerke, of Schonau, by Chemnitz. It is a front strike machine, working with a single shift-key and adopting the universal keyboard, saving only that the keys for z and y change places, the former letter being Placed after t m the third bank, and the latter being brought down to the lower bank, before x. The inking is effected