History of the Typewriter

Forfatter: Geo. Carl Mares

År: 1909

Forlag: Guilbert Pitman

Sted: London

Sider: 318

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-232- in this country. It is a type-bar machine, each bar being made of steel formed in a U shape, like the ribs of a paragon frame umbrella, giving lightness and rigidity, and all bearings are dust-proof. The alignment of the Ideal is secured by a directly guiding lever ; an individual type-bar guide ; and type lock at the printing point, ensuring perfect and permanent alignment. Since all bars strike from one direction only, alignment is not affected by the increased thickness of paper used when manifolding. The important feature in the Ideal is its tabulator, by means of which it is possible to write columns of numbers by the manipulation of one lever only, but this involves Fig. 165. an additional charge. In designing the Ideal as a visible writing machine, the makers sacrificed nothing to obtain this important result, and carefully embodied all well tried principles of construction. Minor details, such as type- bar lock, marginal release, etc., are incorporated in the model. At the end of a line, the carriage is returned by means of a long handle shown just above the keyboard. Kanzler. This machine is manufactured at Berlin, and possesses the singular feature of being the only type- writer manufactured in Germany in its own factory, all other German made machines being produced in factories devoted mainly or in part to other products.