History of the Typewriter

Forfatter: Geo. Carl Mares

År: 1909

Forlag: Guilbert Pitman

Sted: London

Sider: 318

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—237— and is opened out by the depression of a lever at the right of the framework. The margin stops can be arrange from the front of the machine, the vibrating ribbon carrier also serves as a type and aligning guide, and m all other respects the usual devices are incorporated m the Stoewer, which seems to be most substantially built, capable of doing all that is required of it, and a machine which forms a very serious rival, in Germany, to other instruments of trans- atlantic origin. . A very special feature deserves notice, namely, that after a key has been depressed the type will leave the printing point and return to “ rest,” without raising the finger from the key. , The machine illustrated is an edition or variation oi the Stoewer which was placed upon the English market under the name of the “Swift.” In this machine a number of changes are made. The shift key is in dup i cate, but in order to lock for all capitals, it is necessary to Fig. 170.