History of the Typewriter

Forfatter: Geo. Carl Mares

År: 1909

Forlag: Guilbert Pitman

Sted: London

Sider: 318

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r —253— Fig. 184. being released, the typeholder frame moves along a corre- sponding distance. Line spacing, warning bell, margin stops, etc., are simple and effective. An indicator points to the spot where the next impression will be made. There are two styles of Odell, one with forty-two characters, the other having seventy-eight letters—capital and small- figures, etc. On the first introduction of the Odell, it was sold for six guineas. It then fell to three guineas, and finally, on Messrs. Perry (who were the agents of the machine) giving up the retail trade, it was reduced to a guinea. The machine is still manufactured by the American Company of Momence, Ill., who are seeking agents in many quarters. Philadelphia. A typewheel machine, to exploit which a company called “The Philadelphia Typewriter Company ” was organised. The type was engraved on the periphery of a wheel, in a horizontal plane, mounted on an upright post, and the impression was made by means of a hammer, or rather a piston, which drove the paper into contact with the type. In this respect, therefore, the Philadelphia bore, so far as the printing mechanism js concerned, some resemblance to the Gardner Typewriter, already explained. Pearl. An index machine formerly made in America. The types are arranged on a wheel, mounted on a post, before the carriage. The movement of a pointer is com- municated to a twirler arm, which, geared into grooves on the post, causes the latter to revolve, carrying with it the typewheel. The machine is not now made. The People’s Typewriter. This is the invention of Mr. E. Prouty, and hails from Chicago. We have one before us as we write. The types are arranged in two