International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue

År: 1901

Forlag: Chas. P. Watson

Sted: glasgow

Sider: 431

UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow

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Side af 431 Forrige Næste
112 dark red on plan. Machinery Hall. Class III. 567 Clarke, Chapman, & Co., Ltd., Gateshead-on-Tyne. —6|"-Stroke Double- acting Compound Engine and 3av Dynamo; 6 Stroke Rcstlt'.r Engine and 8av Dynamo ; 8" Stroke Single Crank Engine and 3a V Dynamo ; Electric Drills, Ship’s Electric Winch and Continuous Current Motor and Regulator; 24" Pro- jector with both Automatic and Hand Control; 20" “Suez” Canal Projector and 12" Yacht Type Projector ; 40 H. P. and 5 H. P. Polyphase Motors ; 9" x 9" x 10 C C Horizontal Pump; lOf x 7" x 10" Vertical Duplex Feed Pump ; Pair of 101" x 8" x 24" Feed Pumps; and Single 10|" x 8" x 24" Feed Pump (Woodeson’s Patent); 7" x 12" Horizontal Steam Winch, Steam Windlass, 2|" Cables, 7g" x 12" Steam Warping Capstan. 568 Tangyes Ltd., Cornwall Works, Birmingham, and Hope Street, Glasgow.- Gas and’Steam Engines, Centrifugal and Electrically Driven Pumps, etc. 569 Cochrane, John, Engineer, Barrhead.—Cochrane Driving Engine. 570 StOtt J. & Co., Vernon Works, Oldham. —Patent Water Heatets for Public and ’ Private Baths. Air and Water-driven Air Propellers for Ventilating purposes. 571 Anderston Foundry Co., Ltd., Glasgow and Middlesborough -Compound Quick Rotative Enclosed Engines for Electric Power and Lighting, coupled direct to Generators, and Electric-driven Machinery. 572 BiffS’e D. Selby, & Co., 53 Bothwell Street, Glasgow; 27 Mosley street, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; and 39 Victoria Street, London, S.W.—High-speed Com- pound Engine and Continuous Current Generator, Electrical Tools. 573 Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., 147 Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C., and 45 Hope Street, Glasgow.—Blowing, Exhausting and Electric tans in Motion, Steam Heaters, etc. 574 Worthington Pumping Engine Co., 153 Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C., and 45 Hope Street, Glasgow.—Pumping Engines in operation, lumps and Heaters, Method of Supplying Motive Power to Centrifugals. 575 Drysdale & Co., Bon Accord Engine Works, London Road, Glasgow.—Bon Accord Centrifugal Pumping Engines, Direct-Acting High Speed Engine and Dynamo, and Steam Fan and Engine; Set of small series working Aluminium Pumps driven by Electric Motor; Photographs ; the whole of the engines shewn in motion. (See Advt., page 231.) 576 Railton & Campbell, Liverpool, per Fred. G. Willock. 109 Hope Street» Glasgow.—Patent Feed Water Filters, Expansive Stop Valves, and Silent Ash Hoists. (See Advt., page 254.) 577 Carruthers, J. H., & Co., Polmadie Iron Works, Polmadie, Glasgow.—Steam Pumps in motion. Automatic Control Valves. Grease Filters, etc. A British Encyclopædia of Science. Any question which may arise about Science in Modern Life can be settled by referring to ALDOUS’ PHYSICS, Macmillan, Ltd, From any Bookseller, 862 pp-, 7s. 6d. “Great pains have been taken to avoid looseness of statement; and the fact that some of the sections have had the advantage of the criticisms and suggestions of Lord Kelvin, / Lord Rayleigh, and others, makes it a trustworthy book of reference. Nature,