International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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Class VIII. Avenue Bridge, dark blue on plan. 153
966 Horton, W., 98 Buchanan Street, Glasgow.—Sporting Guns, Rifles, and their
Accessories ; Fishing Rods and Tackle. (See Advt., page 6.)
967 Eley Bros., Ltd., 254 Gray’s Inn Road, London.—Sporting and Military
968 Martin, Alexander, 20 Exchange Square, Glasgow, and 128 Union Street,
Aberdeen.—Guns, Rifles, Pistols, and Ammunition, Fishing Rods and Tackle.
Fly-tying in operation.
969 Buchanan, James, 58-62 Dale Street, Tradeston, Glasgow.—Patterns of Fish-
hooks of various shapesand sizes, as supplied to different countries; manufactured
from Best Quality Cast and Spring Steel Wire. (See Advt., page 378.)
970 Burroughes & Watts, Ltd., 304 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, and Branches.
Head Office: 19 Soho Square, London, W. — Billiard Tables, Cabinets, Cue Stands,
Electrolier, etc.
971 Nelmes, Henry, & Co., 121 to 123 Wellington Street, Glasgow.—Full-sized
Billiard Table, Marking Boards, Ivory and Bonzoline Billiard Balls, Cues, Patent
Gas Pendant, etc.
972 Norval & Sons, Billiard Table Makers, 85 Bothwell Street, Glasgow.—Full-sized
Standard 12' x 6' Billiard Table, fitted with ‘ * Sanspareil ” Low Pitch, Frost
Proof, Solid built India Rubber Cushions, Invisible Pocket Plates, Automatic
Ball Returner, Combined Marking Board and Cabinet en suite, Incandescent
Gas Pendant, the “ Popular ” combined Billiard and Dining Table. “ Bonzoline ”
and Ivory Billiard Balls, Ivory Tusks, etc, and other Billiard Requisites. (Seo
Advt., page 346.)
973 Nettleship & Co., Alnwick.—Fishing Rods and Tackle. Speciality—Cane-
built, Steel Centre, and Green heart Rods for Salmon, Trout, etc. Specimens
of Rods in various stages of construction from the raw material to the finished
article. Reels, Lines, Flies, Cut Casts, Fishing Baskets, etc. Patent Life-
saving or Swimming Belt. Special Trout and Salmon Rods, etc.
The following Exhibitors in this Class have their exhibits described under the numbers indicated:—
Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Company, 14 Regent Street, London. See No. 813.
Eglinton Chrome Tanning Company, Ltd., 8 Firhill Road, Glasgow. See No. 263.
Isidor Frankenberg, Greengate, Salford, Manchester. See No. 261 and 402.
MacNaughton, James, & Rankin, 110 Bath Street, Glasgow. See No. 808.
Preston Davies Tyre and Valve Company, Ltd., Broad Street, Bridgeton. See
No. 803.
Wallach Bros., 57 Gracechurch Street, London. See No. 385.
Office: 53 Bothwell St., Glasgow.
Telegraphic Address “CLYDESIDE, GLASGOW."
Wrought-Iron Tubes and Fittings, for Gas, Water, and Steam.
Iron and Steel Boiler Tubes.
Hot Water Tubes. Line Pipe. Casing Tubes.
Blast Furnace Tuyere Coils, and Coils of all Kinds.