International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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li70} Irish Pavilion. dark blue on plan.
18 Millar & Beatty. Dublin.—Donegal Carpet.
19 Do , do., —Section of Carpet as supplied to Her Late Majesty,
Queen Victoria (both specimens made at Killybegs, Co. Donegal).
20 Killarney Furniture Industry, Killarney, Co. Kerry.—Furniture, including
Bedstead, Dressing Table, Chairs, Fire Screen, Brackets, Hand Glass, Table,
21 Fry & Co., Dublin.—Poplin Curtains.
22 Royal Irish School of Art Needlework, 20 Lincoln Place, Dublin.—Bedi
Spread on Bed.
23 Hamilton & Co., White House, Portrush.—Hand Painted Toilet Set in
Belleek Ware.
24 Montgomery, Mrs., Blessingbourne, Fivemiletown.—3 Panels for Mantel Piece,.
Coal Scuttle and Fender, 2 Copper Sconces.
25 Shaw, Miss Alice, Mount Saville, Terenure, Co. Dublin.—Panels in Green-
Wood (Celtic Carving).
26 Coates, William, & Son, Belfast.-Electro-plated Standards.
27 Inglis, J. Johnston, R.H-A., Montrose, Donnybrook.—Views of Irish Scenery.
28 Taddei, E. & L., Cork.—Irish Marble Ornaments.
29 Hogg, Alex., 13 Trinity Street, Belfast. —Flash Light Photograph.
30 Vinycomb, John, Hollywood, Co. Down.—Engravings of Book Plates.
31 Hamilton & Co., White House, Poi’trush.—Selected Specimens Fine Belleek
32 Power, Mrs. G. B., Kilfane Glebe, Thomastown, Kilkenny.—Carved Coal
Box and Tray.
33 Curry, Edmund, Abbeyleix, Queen’s County.—Marriage Chest Copied from«
original in Victoria and Albert Museum.
34 Shaw, Miss, Mount Saville, Terenure, Co. Dublin.—Carved Spinning Chair,
Walnut Cupboard, 3 Panels for Dado in Mahogany.
35 Dillon, T., Galway.—Connemara Marble Ornaments.
ROOM No. 3.
36 Irish Lace Depot, Ltd., 76 Grafton Street, Dublin.—Representative Exhibit
of Irish Lace and Crochet from twenty counties.
37 Presentation Convent, Killarney. —Specimens of Carriekmaeross and Limerick
37 a Crawford Municipal School Of Art, Cork. —Crochet and Limerick Laee.
37 b Castle Bellingham Home Industries Society, Castle Bellingham Co. Louth,
Carriekmaeross.—Appliqué and Guipure.
40 Holland, Michael, 20 Myrtle Hill Terraee, Cork.—Crochet Collarettes, Crochet
Frontal in Silk and Gold, specimens of Insertion and Lace designed by exhibitor
and worked under his supervision.
41 Meath Home Industries, Navan, Co. Meath. —Crochet Sleeves.
42 Convent Of Mercy, Queenstown, Co. Cork.—Specimens of Carriekmaeross1
Lace and Crochet.
43 Swords Lace Class, Swords, Co. Dublin.—Carriekmaeross Lace.
44 Irish Needlework Depot.—Crochet Collars.
36 a Ward & Partners, Belfast.—Stained Glass Window, representing Monaster-
baice Cross, with Arms of the Four Provinces and Cities of Dublin, Belfast,
Cork, and Galway.