International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue

År: 1901

Forlag: Chas. P. Watson

Sted: glasgow

Sider: 431

UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow

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Side af 431 Forrige Næste
182 The Dominion of Canada, light blue on plan. Miller & Co., Trenton, Ontario.—Canned Goods. Truro Condensed Milk and Canning Company, Truro, Nova Scotia.—Con- densed Milk. Boulter, W., & Sons, Picton, Ontario.—Canned Goods. Brown Bros. & Co., Little Lepreaux, New Brunswick.—Canned Clams. The British Columbia Salmon Association.—Canned Salmon. Scott, D., Liverpool.—British Columbia Canned Salmon. Ludwig Wurtzburg- & Co., Halifax, Nova Scotia.—Preserved Lobster Meat. Davies, The William, Company Ltd., Toronto, Ontario. English Address J. Wheeler Bennett & Co., Hibernia Chambers, London Bridge, London, S.E.— Canned Meats and Bacon. M. O. White, Agent, Glasgow. Hamilton, J. S., & Co. Brantford, Ontario.—Wines. Dominion Of Canada, Geological Survey Department, Ottawa, Ontario.—Mineral products of Canada generally. Geological maps, reports and other publi- cations. Photos, Models, Mining Machinery, and processes connected with Mining and Metallurgy. Bureau of Mines of the Province of Ontario, A. Blue, Esq., Director, Toronto, Ontario.—Minerals of Ontario, etc. Department of Colonization and Mines of the Province of Quebec, Hon. A. Turgeon, Minister. J. Obalski, Inspector, Quebec, Ontario.—Minerals of Quebec, etc. Department of Mines of British Columbia, Hon. J. Fred Hume, Minister. W. F. Robertson, Mineralogist, Victoria, British Columbia.—Minerals of British Columbia, etc. Department of Public Works and Mines of Nova Scotia, Hon. c. E. Charch, Commissioner. E. Gilpin, Department Commissioner, Halifax, Nova Scotia.—Minerals of Nova Scotia, etc. The Canadian Smelting Works, Trail, British Columbia.—Matte and Furnace Products. The Hall Mines, Ltd., Nelson, British Columbia.—Matte, Bullion, and Furnace Products. The Lake Superior Power Company, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario,—Nickel Ore and Products. The Union Colliery Company of British Columbia, Ltd.—Coal and Coke. The Canada Paint Company, Montreal, Quebec.—Powdered Ores and Paints. The Crow’s Nest Pass Coal Company, Fernie, British Columbia,—Coal and Coke. Bell’s Asbestos Company, Thetford, Quebec.—Asbestos and Asbestic. The Mica Boiler Covering Company, Toronto, Ontario.—Mica Boiler and Pipe Covering. The Walker Mining Company, Buckingham, Quebec.—Graphite and Manu- factures of Graphite. Milton Pressed Brick Company, Ltd., Milton, Ontario.—Pressed Brick and Terra Cotta. McDonald, Will., Dawson City.—Klondike Gold Nugget. Treadgold, A. N. C., Dawson City. —Klondike Gold Nuggets. Canadian Bank Of Commerce, Toronto.—Thirty-eight Specimens Placer Gold from Yukon and Atlin Goldfields. Brunette, Joseph, Notre Dames des Neiges, Montreal, Quebec.—Graphite Statue. Milne, Coutts & Co. Ltd., St. George, New Brunswick.—Red Granite Monument. M'Corkle, Fred T., Welsford, New Brunswick.—Red Granite.