International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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Leather Ware.
Mechanical Boot and Shoe Co.—Boots
and Shoes.
Savin. —Leather.
Stepanof.—Boots and Shoes.
Pogrebof & Jegoro. — Boots and
Vininshy.—Leather Articles.
Ysakova.—Leather Articles.
Weiss. —Boots and Shoes.
Woven Goods.
Alexandrof. —Red Cotton Goods.
Alexandrof, T. A. — Woollen Shawls.
Borodine Bros.—Fancy Wool.
Dorodnof. —Tea Table Linen.
Gnebner Co.—Fancy Cotton Goods.
Jeero.—Silk Goods.
Krimov, E. S. —Table Napkins.
Meendovsky & Bakakine.—Half Linen.
Nikitine, V. M.—Fancy Wool.
New Kostromskaia Oo.—Linen.
Pavlov, S. P.—Red Cotton Goods.
Savva Morosof Sons.—Cotton.
Sapozhinkow. —Brocades.
Sokolikof, E. A.—Silk Shawls.
Tasuniusky. —Cotton Goods.
Bernshtein. —Amber.
JBoolkovshy. —Optical Instruments.
Dioderichs. —Pianos.
Gilonsky.—Plate Ware.
Kohotzinsky. —Optical Instruments.
Koosnetzof, M. S., & Co. —Croquerie.
Poel, Prof.—Medical Preparations.
Reisehardt. —Pianos.
Stone Burning Company. —Chemical
Veninshy.—Celluloid and Tortoiseshell
1. M. V. Zelenine. 17. P. V. Filkowsky.
2. A. M. Milaieff. 18. P. A. Hodakoff.
3. E. I. Lapine. 19. E. K. Lavrooshkine.
4. N. N. Safonoff. 20. P. F. Netehaieff.
5. T. V. Koriakine. 21. Bogoroditzk District County Office.
6. M. 1. Podkolzine. 22. M. N. Paltchikoff.
7. 1. V. Zarkoff. 23. M. G. Kamensky.
8. 9. I. I. Tchooikine. M. M. Doolneff. 24. School of Handiwork and Home- Industry Works.
10. V. D. Borodkine. 25. E. V. Arboosoff.
11. A. I. Poltarihine. 26. Mtzensk School of Lace Work.
12. M. I. Astahoff. 27. A. G. Ernioloff.
13. 14. E. V. Astahoff. E. M. Doolneff. 28. Store of Home-Industry Articles of the Penza County Office.
15. A. J. Klenikoff. 29. A. M. Milovidoff.
16. A. N. Firsoff. 30. Vologda Home-Industry Articles Exhibition.
31. Nicholas Children Asylum in Taganrog.
32. Children’s Asylum in Tver.
33. House of Anatole, Demidof.
34. Alexandra Children’s Asylum in Szkutsh.
35. Children’s Asylum of Stiglitz.
36. Cossack’s Children’s Asylum in Kouban District.
37. Alexandra Middle School in St. Petersburgh.