International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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i 9$ France. yellow on plan.
Burgasser et Theilmann, 37 Boulevard du Temple, å Paris.—Pianos.
Chasse (La) Illustree, 56 rue Jacob, a Paris.—Publications.
Clement et Gilmer, 140, faubourg st. Martin, å Paris.—Instruments of Precision
and for Photography.
Comité Francais des Expositions ä 1’Etrang-er, 6, rue d’Aboukir, å. Paris.—
Compte Rendu de I’Academie des Sciences, 55 Quai des Grands Augustins,
& Paris.—Publications.
Coquet (Le) 6 rue Favart, å Paris.—Fashion Paper.
Correspondant (Le), 14 rue de i’Abbaye, ä Paris.—Publications.
Cost© (F.), a Lacanehe (Cöte d’Or).—Photography.
Courrier (Le) des Examens de 1’Enseignement Primaire, 15 rue Soufflot,
å. Paris.—Publications.
Cremnitz (Max), 111, Avenue Victor-Hugo, å Paris.—Advertisement Showcards
on Sheet-iron.
Da Cunha (A.), 3 rue Meissonier, å Paris.—Photography.
Dardonville (L-), 15, Chaussee de la Muette, å Paris.—Photography.
Darnis (A.), 4, rue Marbeuf, å Paris.—Photography.
Delfaux, 88, rue des Marais, å Paris.—Musical Brass Instruments.
Delmas (Gabriel), 10, rue St. Christoly, å. Bordeaux.—Typographic Printings.
Demachy (R.), 13, rue Francois ler, å Paris.—Photography.
Demaria freres, 2 rue du Canal St. Martin, å Paris.—-Apparatus and Objectives
for Photography.
Descazals, 12, Impasse des Tanneries, å Bordeaux.~Books.
Dorvault (Francis), 2c6, Boulevard St. Germain, Ä Paris.—Books.
Dubouloz (Jose), 9 Boulevard Poissonniére, å. Paris.—Auto-Typing Machine
Ducourau (E ), 104, Boulevard Haussmann, å Paris.—Photography.
Echo de la Semaine, 50, Chaussée d’Antin, & Paris.— Publications.
Éclairage Éløctrique, 3, rue Racine, å Paris.—Publications.
Ecole (L’) Nouvelle, 10, rue Molitor, å Paris.—Publications.
Écolier (L), Illustre, 15, rue Soufllot, å Paris.—Publications.
Économiste (L’) Francais, 2 Cité Bergere, å Paris.—Publications.
Electricien (17), 3, rue Lecourbe, å Paris.—Publications.
Exposition (L’) Universelle, 6 rue d’Aboukir, å Paris (H. Gautier Directeur-
Ilédactcur en Chef). —Bulletin Officiel du Comité fran^ais des Expositions ä.
1’Etranger et de la section fran^aise ä 1’Exposition de Glasgow.—Publications.
Ferrand (Gr-), å Nogent sur-Marne. —Photography.
France (La) Agricole et Horticole, IS, rue Clauzel, å Paris.—Publications.
Gaumont et Cie., 87, rue St. Rooh, å Paris.—Photographic and Cinematographic
Apparatus. ° r
Gazette (La) des Beaux-Arts, 8, rue Favart, å Paria.—Publications.
Gazette (La) du Village, 26, rue Jacob, å Paris.—Publications.
Genie (Le) Civil, 6, Chaussee d’Antin, å Paris.—Publications.
Gilibert (A.), 92, boulevard de Courcelles, å Paris.—Photography.
Grand (Le) Mondo, 5, boulevard des Capucines, ä Paria.—Publications.