International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue

År: 1901

Forlag: Chas. P. Watson

Sted: glasgow

Sider: 431

UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow

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yellow on plan. France. Clacquesin (Paul), 3, ruo du Dragon, å Paris.—Distillateur.—“ Le Goudron hygiénique ” ; “La Savoyarde : Excelsior-Curacao ” ; “ La Madone ” and various superior liqueurs. Cointreau, å Angers (Maine-et-Loire), Distillateur.—Curasao. Collette (Rene), aux Moerea (Nord), Distillateur d’alcools.—Purified and Refined Alcohols. Coulon (Charles) et Fréres, 6, rue de la Paix, au Havre (Seine-Inferieure).—Various Samples of Rum. Cousin-Devos, å Haubourdin (Nord).—Rice and Maize Starch, etc. Coutanseaux aine et Cie, å Saintes (Charente-Inferieure).—Brandy and “ Fines Champagnes” from the Cognac district. Curlier et Cie, å Jarnac (Charente), Distillateurs.— Bottled Brandy. Delcous (Louis), 158, rue de Paris, å Charenton (Seine).—French Wines of various brands. Dubois (G.) et Cie, å Blanzae (Charente).—Brandies from Charente. Dumesnil Freres, 30, rue Dareau, å Paris.—Brewers.—French Beer, Durel (Louis), rue St. Jean, å Caen (Calvados).—Sparkling Cider. Estieu (M, et J.), 209, rue St, Denis, åCourbevoie (Seine). —(Manufacture Universelle des Biscuits Georges).—Biscuits Sees., dits Anglais.—Plain Biscuits and Plain Pastry. Ficbot-Landrin (L,), 16, rue Montorgueil, å Paris.—Natural Fruit Juice for lees and Fruit J nice Drinks ; Colourings for Confectioners and Pastry Cooks, etc. Folliot (Jules), å Chablis (Yonne).—Wine Grower.—Chablis. Gabolde (Louis), å Revel (Hte. Garonne), (Directeijr de la Soeiété “ Le Peppermint Get, ”—Peppermint Get, Genez (Charles), 17, Cours le Rouzie, å Bordeaux.—Bottled White Wines. Grande Soeiété Lebrou et Cie, å Roquefort-sur-Soulzon (Aveyron). — Roquefort Cheese. Grandin (Alfred), 3'2, rue La Boetie, å Paris.—Sparkling Wines. Hartmann (G.) et Cie., 21, boulevard Morland, å Paris, Distillateurs.—Liqueurs. Havy (A. L. G.), 1, rue Villersexel, å Paris.—Wines of various brands. Karcher (H.) et Cie., 139, rue des Pyrénées, å Paris, Brewers.—Bock Beer. Lanoire (A.) et Cie., å Bordeaux (Gironde).—Clarets. Lapouge (E. P ), Fils, å Sarlat (Dordogne), Distillateur.—Various Liqueurs. Legouey et Delbergue, 75, 77, 79 rue de Reaumur, å Paris.—Distillateurs.—“ La Trappistine.” Lehucher (Victor), 36, rue du Chemin-Vert, å. Paris.—Preserved Provisions. Lemariey, 33, rue du Chateau, å Neuilly-s-Seine, Négociant.—Bottled Cider. Les Fils de Ch. Teyssonneau Jeune, 3 å 13, rue St. Siméon, å Bordeaux, et å Concarneau (Finistére).—Provisions and Preserved Fruit, Preserved Meat, Vegetables, Cheese, Sardines, Tunny Fish, Fruit in Juice and Brandy, Plum-pudding, etc. Målesset (J.) et Chouanard (E.), 148, ruo du faubourg St. Denis, h. Paris.—All colours and sizes of Syphons; Gazogenes of various sizes. Marnier-Lapostolle, 67, boulevard Haussmamm, å Paris, Distillateur.—“Liqueur Grand-Marnier. ” Millot (Armand), å St. Quentin (Aisne).—Flour, Oatmeal, “ Fromentine,” Jlixturo for wholesome and rational food for cattle.