International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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2io France. yellow on plan.
Aucoc (L.) fils, 9, rue du Quatre Septembre, å. Paris.—Jewellery.
Bergeotte (L ), 44, avenue de la Grande Armée, å Paris.—Polished Iron Work and
Chased and Gilt Copper Work.
Braut (Georges), 27, rne Notre-Dame de Nazareth, ä Paris.—Fancy Gold-Plated
Jewellery and Fancy Imitation Diamond Jewellery.
Brunet (G-eorges), 26, rue de Rambuteau, å Paris.—Fancy Jewellery.
Chargueraud (N-), 39, boulevard du Temple, å Paris.—Fancy Jewellery, Silver
and Steel.
Chariot freres, 5, rue de Montmorency, å Paris.—Art Enamels.
Charpentier, 43 bis, rue Boileau, & Paris.—Bronzes, Bas-Reliefs, Medallions.
Christofle et Cie., 56, rue de Bondy, å Paris.—Jewellery in Gold and Silver.
Daubree, 12, boulevard de Strasbourg, å Paris.—Bronzes and Objets d’Art.
Delarbre (Ch)., 247, rue de Martin, å Paris.—Real Gold and Silver mounted
Jewellery, Imitation Stones.
Debain (A.), 79, rue de Temple, å Paria.—Silverware and “Objets d’Art.”
Depoilly et Fleury, ä Escarbotin (Somme).—Ironmongery.
Feuillatre (E.), 3, rue Villedo, ä Paris.—Art Enamels.
Fontaine Freres et Vaillant, 181, rue St.-Honoré, å. Paris.—Decorative Iron-
mongery in Chased Bronze, Antique and Modern Style.
Foy (R), 12, rue Legendre, å Paris.—Jewels, Laces, Ceramic Ware.
G-aillard (Lucien), 107, rue la Boetie, å Paris.—Jewels, Silverware.
Gross, Langoulant, et Cie., 79, rue du Temple, å Paris.—Jewellery in Gold.
Huet (L.) et Ligiet(E ), 118, rue de Turenne, å Paris.—Steel Ornaments, Key
Rings, Button-hooks, etc.
Jean (A.), 17, rue Réaumur, ä Paris.—Artistic Enamelled Articles on Copper, Silver
and Gold.
Lamaille (Geo.), et Cie , 40, rue de 1’Echiquier, & Paris.—Clocks.
Malecot (Jules), 153, rue du Temple, å Paris.—Imitation Jewellery.
Moche et Cie., 46, rue Poissonniére, å Paris.—Gold Chain Purses, Dressing Chain
Fittings and Chains.
Mossand (Ch.-), 55, ruede Bretagne, å Paris.—Imitation Jewellery.
Paisseau-Feil, 66, rue Taitbout, å Paris. — Imitation Stones and Pearls, Mounted
Articles, etc.
Plumet (Paul), 7 rue Chapon, 1 Paris.—Gold-plated Jewellery.
Plumet (Ch), et Selmersheim (Tony), 1, place Boieldieu, å. Paris.—Modern
Poussielgue-Rusand, 3, rue Cassette, å Paris,—Silverware and Bronzes.
Roy© (A-)et Cie-, 29, rue le Peletier, å Paris.—Imitation Stones.
Rozet (Rene), 6, rnc Aiunout-Thiéville, a Paris, Statuaire.—Massive Silver Looking
Glass, “ La Metamorphose de Narcisse, ” manufactured by Christofle & Co.
Ruteau (L.), 31, rue Chapon, å Paris.—Imitation Pearls.
Sandoz (Gustave-Roger Sandoz, fils et successeur), 10, rue Royale, å Paris
(anciennement au Palais-Iioyal).—Precious Stones, Objets d’Art, and Time Pieces.
Selmersheim (Tony), 1, place Boileau, å Paris.—Bronze Fittings for Houses and
Schlesinger (Jules), 3, rue Rossini, å Paris.—Pierres fines.
Soye (De), 19, rue Chapon, å Paris.—Real and Imitation Pearls.
Templier (Paul), 3, place des Victoircs, ä Paris.—Jewels.
Vachet (R.), 13, boulevard du Temple, å. Paris.—Time Pieces.
Vuillermoz (L-), 63, rue Turbigo, å Paris.—Imitation Jewellery and Gold Settings.