International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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yellow on plan. Denmark. 213
I he birth-place of Her Majesty Queen Alexandra is associated in the mind of every
loyal subject with sympathetic interest. But, apart from this all-important con-
sideration, we are indebted to Denmark for many necessities and luxuries which we
could not now do without.
Amongst the many things that the energetic and Industrious Danes place in the
open market, apart from the more familiar farm produce, are numerous works of art,
and the promoters of the Section allotted to Denmark have confined their exhibits to
this particular branch of the exports of the country.
The Royal Copenhagen Porcelain Manufactory, Copenhagen.—Art Vases and
Table Services under glaze decorations,
Ipsen P s Enke (Widow P. Ipsen), Copenhagen.—Manufacturer of Artistic Terra
Cotta Ware, by appointment to II. M. the King.
Kahler Horman A. Noøstvød, maker of artistic pottery. Luster Decorated Vases.
Hofman Bros., Aarhus.—Manufacturer of Furniture and Sideboard in Old Scandi-
navian Design.
Verdier, Mrs. S., Copenhagen.—Old Carved Furniture, collection of Old Scandi-
navian Silver and Curios.
Baden, Jakob, Bookbinder, Copenhagen.
Hertz, P., Silversmith and Jeweller, Copenhagen.
Hatters, GLASGOW.
106 St. Vincent Street.
Waterproofs, Raincoats, Umbrellas,
Hat Cases, Etc.
254 and 256 Sauchichall Street.
Catalogue, illustrated with Photographs
of Ladies and Children's Hats, etc., now
ready; post free on application.
Telephone 3691.