International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue

År: 1901

Forlag: Chas. P. Watson

Sted: glasgow

Sider: 431

UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow

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Side af 431 Forrige Næste
A dvert isements. 249 THOMAS BRIERLEY, ENGINEER, OLDHAM, England, Maker of Blowing, Exhausting, and Ventilating Fans, Root’s Btowers, etc. Contractors to H.M. Government. In use in British and Foreign War Vessels. Auld’s Patent Steam-Reducing Valves For supplying steam of uniform pressure for any purpose where steam is required at a lower pressure than that in the Steam Boiler. f These HIGH-CLASS VALVES are in operation on Exhibition Main Steam Pipes for driving Electrical * Machinery in Machinery Hall. Thousands of these Va'vcs in use in all parts of the World Made ini_alj sizes from half inch upwards. Makers of 20 inch and24 fnch Reducing- Valves, the largest in the World. Applicable for reducing the pressure of Steam, Water, or Air. Available for al! pressures. Can reduce at one operation through One Reducing Valve from 300 lbs. per square inch to 1 lb. per square inch. A steady uniform reduced pressure maintained irrespective of fluctuation of Boiler pressure. Also Makers of Surplus Steam Valves, Steam Traps, Automatic Damper Apparatus, etc., etc. SS“' DÄvkTÄÜld' & Sons, Telegraphic Address: “REDUCING, GLASGOW.” Wbitevale jfounörp, KOCHESTER STREET, GLASGOW.