International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue

År: 1901

Forlag: Chas. P. Watson

Sted: glasgow

Sider: 431

UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow

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28 Executive Council. William Bilsland, 45 Hydepark Street, William Euing Birrell, The Clyde Rubber Works, Clyde Street, Port-Dundas. T. H. B. Black, 17 Cluny Gardens, Edinburgh. James M. Blair, 129 Trongate. Robert Blyth, Union Bank of Scotland. Ingram Street. James Brand, Contractor, 172 “Buchanan Street. Henry Brock, Arden, Dumbartonshire. Al ex. K. Brown, R.8.W., A.R.8.A., 93 Douglas 8t. V. M. Brown, 22 West Nile Street. Hugh Brown, 9 Clairmont Gardens. Richard Browne, Beechholm, Queen’s Drive, Crosshili. John James Burnet, A.R8.A., President of the Glasgow Institute of Architects, 167 St. Vincent Street. Peter Burt, Hollybank, Bothwell. James Caird, 82 Wellington St., Glasgow. James Campbell, of Tullichewau, Alexandria, Dumbartonshire. M. Pearce Campbell, 137 Ingram Street. W. A. Campbell, 137 Ingram Street. X. S. Cargill, 191 West George Street. Morris Carswell, 90 Mitchell Street. John Carswell, M.D., 5 Royal Crescent, W. Francis Caulfield, 21 Jamaica Street. W. A. Chamen, 75 Waterloo Street. James R. Chalmers, 129 St. Vincent Street. John Christie, 46 West George Street. William J. Chrystal, 7 West George Street. Alan E. Clapperton, 91 West Regent Street. Lewis Clapperton, 2 West Regent Street. David R. Clark, 8 Park Drive, West. J. F. Wyllie Clark, of Messrs. J, & R. Tennent, Wellpark Brewery, Duke Street. Stewart Clark, Anchor Thread Mills, Paisley. William Clark, 16 Montgomerie Crescent, W. Charles J. Cleland, 72 Mitchell Street. W. C. Coghill, 1 Royal Terrace, W. John G. Couper, 21 Glassford Street. John R. Couper, 167 Bothwell Street. John Coubrough. Blanefield. Archibald Craig, 156 St. Vincent Street. Robert Crawford, 84 Miller Street. X. C. Cunninghame, of Craigends, Johnstone. Y. A. Dewar, M. P., Perth. Jam«B Dick (Hillhead), 224 Ingram Street. James Dick, Greenhead Works, Glasgow. William Dougan, M.D., 2 Sandyford Place. Henry Louis Boulton. Lambeth Pottery, London. 8.E. Alexander A, E. Downie, Commercial Bank, 263 Gallowgate. David Dreghorn, Smith Street, Kinning Park. J. Dalrymple Duncan, 211 Hope Street. James E. Dunn, 5 Montagu Terrace, Glasgow. Patrick S. Dunn, 107 St. Vincent Street. J. G. Dunlop, The Clydebank Engineering and Shipbuilding Company, Clydebank. Nathaniel Dunlop, 2ft Bothwell Street. Professor Henry Dyer, 8 Highburgh Terrace, Dowanhill. Alexander Edmiston, Provoat of Ruthergleu. David Edward, 92 Buchanan Street, I). M. Erskine, Greenock. The Very Rev. Archbishop Eyre, D.D., 5 Bowmont Gardens. Professor John Ferguson, LL.D., The University. John Ferguson, Benburb, Lenzie. William Fife, 52 Glassford Street. James Fleming, Chairman, Glasgow School of Art, Woodburn, Rutherglen. James H. Forsyth (of the United Co-operative Baking Society, Limited), 12 M'Neil Street. K. M. Crerar Gilbert, 21 Woodside Terrace. Robert Gourlay, Bank of Scotland, St. Vincent Street. Leonard Gow, Jun., 8 Montgomerie Quadrant, Kelvinside. Robert Graham, 108 Egiinton Street. Wm. Gray, Biscuit Manufactory, Kinning Park. T. M. Grant, 100 Hydepark Street. James Gray, 43 Argyle Street. James Guthrie, R. S.A., President of the Glasgow Art Chib, 7 Woodside Place. J. D. Hedderwick, 2 Clairmont Gardens. David Heilbron, ‘26 India Street. Alexander Henderson, 60 North Street. John Henderson, 4 Crown Terrace, Dowanhill. Joseph Henderson, 11 Blyths wood Square. Archibald C. Holms, 3 Athole Gardens. Archibald Jeffrey Hunter, 3 Springhill Terrace, Crossmyloof, K. Jeffrey Hunter, 139 St. Vincent Street Guybon Hutson, Sen., 126 Kelvinhaugh Street. • John Inglis, LL.D., 4 Prince’s Terrace, Dowanhill. John lunes, 9 Bruce Road, Pollokshields. Professor Andrew Jamieson, M.Inst.C.E., 16 Rosalyn Terrace, Kelvinside. James Kay, 22 West Nile Street. John R. Kay, 78 Queen Street. Robert Kedie, 5 Buchanan Street. James Kennedy, 69 Buchanan Street. John Q. Kerr, LL D., 15 India Street. George J, Kidston, Finlaystone, Langban k. Robert King, of Levernhohn, 17 BJythswood Square. James Kirkwood, Provost of Govan, Carling Lodge, Tbroxholni. John Lavery, R.S.A., 5 Cromwell Place, London, 8.W. William Law, 29 Montgomerie Drive, W. David W. Leckie, Riverbank House, Pollok»haw». William Leiper, R.8.A., 121 West George Street. Ja s. Lilburn, 8 Queen’s Gardens, Dowanhill. Alexander M'Cutcheon, 32 Myrtle Park, Crosshill. M. B M‘Donald, C.E., City Chambers. James McFarlane, 96 Great Hamilton Street. James Macfarlano, Wesleyan Street. John M’Farlane, 151 North Street. Pittendrigh Macgilvray, A.R.8.A., Ravelston Elms, Murrayfield, Edinburgh. Professor John G. M'Kendrick, M.D., LL.D., 2 Florentine Gardens. Telephone 2589. Telegrams—“ PATTULLO, GLASGOW.” SPEEDWELL ASPHALT (WATERPROOF and FIREPROOF). In various consistencies for covering1 FLAT ROOFS and STEEL BRIDGES, for STABLES, COURTYARDS, PAVE- MENTS and STREETWAYS, etc. SPEEDWELL CHEMICAL CO., Works-177 CROWNPOINT ROAD.