International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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American engineering Competition.
The “TIMES” publishes the following, written
by its Special Correspondent, after having
studied the Industrial Situation in America:
“ I must do the Germans the justice to say, however, that there is
In Berlin, one of the most complete and best laid out machine-tool
factories in the world. Its building up presents a valuable object-lesson
to British Tool-makers. The works in question are those of Ludw.
Loewe it Co., a firm which for 25 years past, lias made and sold machine
tools, and has built up a large business, a good part of it in this country.
Four years ago, the Americans came strongly into the European market,
as already stated, and the responsible managers of these works soon saw
that they would have to meet a competition such as they had never
before experienced. To do this they wisely determined that the old
crowded works in the centre of Berlin—built up, like so many of our
own, piecemeal on the accretion theory—would no longer serve. A large
piece of new land was therefore secured on the outskirts of Berlin. The
next two years was spent by the managers of the works in travelling in
Europe and America, wherever engineering works were to be seen, for
the sake of noting everything that was worth noting, and adopting
everything that was worth adopting. The result, I regret to say is, that
the new works are entirely on American lines. English Engineers who
cannot afford the time to visit Berlin for the purpose of seeing these
works, can get a fair idea of the extent and completeness of them from
an illustrated account which appeared in “ Engineering ” last autumn.
1 would, however, strongly advise all who can do so, to go and see for
themselves.”—The “ Times,” June 6th, 190'J.
are at
jour Disposal.
In no one ENGINEERING ESTABLISHMENT are to be found
all the advantages combined in our BERLIN WORKS.
1. A Model Plant to Study.
2. Assistance and Advice as to Organization and Equipment.
3. Outfits of Machines, Tools and Gauges, arranged in accordance
with the latest practice.
The principal features of the Berlin Works are duplicated in our LONDON
SHOW ROOMS, which are arranged as a MODEL SHOP, having a full line
of Machines in operation.
We also exhibit here and carry in stock a line of SMALL TOOLS and
GAUGES, which are important in securing interchangeability of parts and the
standardisation of dimensions.
LUDW. LOEWE & e©., Ltd.,