International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue

År: 1901

Forlag: Chas. P. Watson

Sted: glasgow

Sider: 431

UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow

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Side af 431 Forrige Næste
295 /f dvertisements. _____________________ LE CARBONE (Late Lacombe & Cie.). Contractors to H M. Government . . and principal Railways and Lighting Companies of the United Kingdom. Manufacturers O'F Ca.»"k»or»s +or Arc Lamps, Batteries, Electric Welding, Microphones, etc., etc. BRUSHES FOR DYNAMOS AND MOTORS. See special circular on the qualities we make and the best means of using them. DRY BATTERIES for Motor Cars, Tricycles, etc. FLUTED CARBONS for searchlights, as supplied to the Lighthouse Service. CONTACT PIECES in our X and A42 qualities for switches, lightning arresters, etc. ^peciæfiHeø «fe.'.'- “Lacombe’’ Patent Central Zinc Battery. Patent Carbon-Headed Plates fok Leclanché and other Batteries. Agglomerate Blocks with Patent Contact Bolts. “Sack” Batteries. “ Bichromate” Cells. "Sanspareil” Dry Batteries. “Z” Cells. LE CARBONE are the. Sole Licensees of the Girard & Street process of manufacture of “ Electro-Graphitic ” Carbon, which is undoubtedly the best yet produced for Electrolytical Applications. AWARDS AT EXHIBITIONSHavre, 1887; Brussels, 1888; Birmingham, 1889. Paris, 1889; Edinburgh, 1890; London, 1892; Brussels, 1897, Diplome d’Honneur. Turin, 1898 ; Paris, 1900, Hors Concours. Sole Agents for Monsieur L. Boudreaux’s Foliated Metal Brushes. 36 Lime Street, LONDON, E.C. THE ELECTRICAL COMPANY, Limited, LONDON, W.C., 122 and 124 CHARING CROSS ROAD and 162 SHAFTESBURY AVENUE. Contractors to H.M. Government. Paris Exhibition, 1900—6 Grands Prix. B u«« 21 CORN EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, Fennel St., MANCHESTER. ,3. NORTH STREET, BRIGHTON.