International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue

År: 1901

Forlag: Chas. P. Watson

Sted: glasgow

Sider: 431

UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow

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London Honorary Consultative Committee. 31 J. W. Swan, Esq., F.R.S. (President, Institute of Electrical Engineers). A. JI. Tarleton, Esq., J.P. Sir David Tennant, K.C.M.G. (Agent General for the Cape). Sir Horace Tozer, K.C.M.G. (Agent General for Queensland). Alderman Sir W. P. Treloar, J.P. Sir A. J, R. Trendell, C31.G. Mr. Alderman Truscott, J.P. The Most Hon. the Marquess of Tweeddale K.T. The Right Hon. Viscount Templetown. Colonel Sir Charles E. Howard Vincent, K.C.M.G., C.B., M B. The Right Hon. Lord Alverstone, Lord Chief J ustice. Sir William H. White, K.C.B., F.R.8 (President,. Institution of Mechanical Engineers). William Walter, Esq. (Agent General for British Columbia.) Robert Ahyte, Esq., J.P. W. H. Willans, Esq., J.P., D.L. John Wilson, Esq., M.P. Sir C. Mivers Wilson, G.C.M.G., C.B. The Hon Sir E. ti. Wittenoom, K.C.M.G. (Agent General for Western Australia). Sir Henry Trueman Wood, M.A. Honorary Secretaries. G.' GaskicllBEÅton’' ALLM.É., }* The Mansion House> London. All letters to be addressed to 128 Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. LIST OF COMMITTEES. NOTE.—The President and Vice-Presidents, the Honorary Secretary of the Association, the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Executive Council, are ex officiis Members of all Committees. I.—CHAIRMAN’S COMMITTEE. To consist of the President, the Vice-Presidents, the Honorary Secretary of the Association, the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Executive Council, and the Conveners of the several Committees. To have charge of the Opening and other ceremonials; and to be constituted a permanent Organisation Committee, with power to discharge any duties not specially assigned to the other Committees. The Hon. the Lord Provost of the City of Glasgow, Chairman of the Executive Council, to ba> Convener. II.—ACTING LONDON COMMITTEE. Sir George Hayter Chubb, Bart., J.P. Sir George Bird wood. Sir Owen Burne. Sir Edward H. Carbutt, Bart. Sir John Furley. Sir W. H. Preece. Sir William Robinson. A. H. Tarleton, Esq. Sir A. J. R. Trendell. Mr. Aiderman Truscott. Robert Whyte, Esq. Sir Georgs Hayter Chubb, Bart., J.P., Chairman. III.—ADMISSION, TRAFFIC, AND EXCURSION COMMITTEE. Mr. F. W. Allan, 125 Buchanan Street. Mr. W. F. G. Anderson, 47 Union Street. Mr. Hugh Brown, 9 Clairmont Gardens. Mr. Charles J. Cleland, 72 Mitchell Street. Mr. Simon Pallas, Milton House. Cowcaddcns. Mr. Leonard Gow, Jun., 8 Montgomerie Quadrant, Kelvinside. Mr. »William Hepburn, 80 Buchanan Street. Mr, William Law, 29 Montgomerie Drive, Kelvin Md a. Mr. James M'Farlane, 96 Great Hamilton Street. Mr. John M‘J’arlane, 151 North Street. Mr. Walter Paton, 73 Virginia Street. Mr. William Robertson, 15 Gordon Street. Mr. Michael Simons, 206 Bath Street. Mr. Michael Swan, 1 Winton Gardens, Kolvinside. Mr. James M‘Farlane, Convener. Mr. F. W. Allan and Mr. Leonard Gow, jun , Joint Vice-Conveners. The Edinburgh Evening News ESTABLISHED 1873. DAILY, %d. POINTS FOR ADVERTISERS. The “EDINBURGH EVENING NEWS” was established over a quarter of a century ago, and has now a LARGER CIRCULATION, among- all Classes, In Edinburgh, Leith, and the Central and South-Eastern Districts of Scotland THAN ANY DAILY PAPER WHATSOEVER. ADVERTISEMENTS WHICH DO NOT APPEAR IN THE “EVENING NEWS,” FAIL TO SECURE THOROUGH AND EFFICIENT PUBLICITY IN THE FIELD WHICH IT COVERS. ADVERTISING SCALE—One Inch-13 Unes. Per Line. Trade Advertisements, Business Cards, Properties for Sale, Shipping Advertisements,........................4* Amusements, Contracts, Paragraph Advertisements, Public Od. and Legal Notices, Advertisements Next News, - - V Per Line. Advertisements on Leader Page, Advertisements Od. with Onerous Conditions,......................Ö Election Notices, Prospectuses, Parliamentary Notices,......................................- w Publishers—THE “EDINBURGH EVENING NEWS,” Limited. HEAD OFFICE-18 MARKET STREET, EDINBURGH. | LONDON OFFICE—4 COPTHALL BUILDINGS, E.C. Telegraphic Address—“ NEWS, EDINBURGH.' Cheques and BJoney Orders payable to the "EDINBURGH EVENING NEWS,’’ Ltd.