International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue

År: 1901

Forlag: Chas. P. Watson

Sted: glasgow

Sider: 431

UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow

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A dvertisemenis. A CLYDE BUILT MODEL RACING YACHTS. These Yachts are how too well known to need any recommendation, They are beautifuby enamelled and well finished, carved from noted Lines (“Shamrock," “Columbia,” “Britannia,” “Ailsa,” etc., Models), completely rigged with Brass i ittings, etc. Sails made from our beautiful blue-striped Sailcloth. For Model Yacht Pacing, none can compare with them. Tested and guaranteed. No. Lgth. Price. No. Lgth. Price. 1 1(5 in. 6/0 1 5 22 in. 15/6 2 18 „ 8/9 „ (5 23 ,, 37/6 „ 3 20 „ 10/9 „ 7 24 ,, 21/ „ 4 21 „ 12,6 „ I No. 1 size is Bermuda lagged, the others are Cutter Rigged as per engraving. Nos. 4, 5, 6, and 7, having' beautiful polished Spars, and Hying Jib extra. The above engraving gives but a slight idea of these very beautiful Models, guaranteed well built, the planks being rivettea on a>h ribs, and. every plank caulked and beautifully finished. The Lines are taken from the Most Noted Winners. Fitted with patent steering gear, etc. They are rigged in the best possible manner. Sails made from our blue-striped Model Sailcloth, all moving, so that they can be easily raised or lowered. Each supplied on polished stand specially made for Model Yacht Racing. No. Lgth. 1 18 in. 3 22 „ 4 24 „ 6 30 „ 7 36 ,, Price. 17 6 carr. free. •21/6 „ 25/6 ,, 32/6 „ 37/J ,, No. Lgth. Price. 8 42 in. 45/6 carr. free. 9 4 ft. 9 in. to 5 ft. 10 Rater, £5 5/ „ MAGNIFICENT MODEL STEAM ENGINES, LOCOMOTIVE, HORIZONTAL, Special Sol'd Brass Loco, polished Brass Tubular Boiler, fitted with Bras* Whistle. Safety Valve, Ste in Tapa, etc.. Copper Tender, brass Bed-plate, fitted with Brass Buffers and Coupling Chains, mounted on Brass Flanged Wheels, with front Bogie Wheels, to run straight or circular. Complete, with Lamp, as per Illustration. 10', carriage free. Ditto, similar to above, but without IVass Buffers and Coupling Chains, price, 7/9, carriage free. VERTICAL, LAUNCH, PADDLE, Etc., Etc. New Design and very powerful Slide Valve Loco, Cylinders, Jin. bore, 1$ in. stroke. Slip Eccentric. Reversing Gear Spring Balance Safely Valve, Steam Whistle, .Manhole, Two Gauge Cock«, Starting Lever, same as on large Locomotives. In designing this Loco., no expense or trouble has been spared to produce a Model that will give perfect satisfaction. - '• he Boiler is fitted with Cross Tub s, and will keep up Steam while Engine is travelling. Entire length, 22 in. over all. Price, £7 10'; without Tender, £6 15/; without Tender or Bogie Wheels, £5 15z6. Send for our Nev/ Illustrated Catalogue (containing over 200 Illustrations), of above and other Launch Hori- zontal, etc., Engines, Launch Motors, Steam Cranes Engine Fittings and Castings, Model Yacht Fittings, Dynamos Motors, etc., etc., post Iree, 4d. CLYDE MODEL DOCKYARD & ENGINE DEPOT, MODEL YACHT BUILDERS, ENGINEERS, AND ELECTRICIANS, Argyle Arcade, GLASGOW, n.e. We have a highly skilled Staff of competent and experienced Workmen fop any class of Engines, Yacht«, or Fittings, to Order or Specification, and shall be phased to receive your enquiries. N