International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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Subject Index of Exhibits.
Stand No. Page
255 Scottish Co-operative Wholesale So-
ciety, Ltd, Glasgow 83
264 Staynes, W. H., & Smith, Liecester - 84
Sundry Exhibits—Canadian Section - 180
Sundry Exhibits—Russian Section - 192F
397 Tullis, John, & Son, Ltd, Glasgow - 96
109 Wilson, Walker & Co., Ltd, Leeds - 70
Life Saving Apparatus.
973 Nettleship & Co, Alnwick - - 153
1025 Red Cross Society, Glasgow - - 162
863 Roper’s Inventions for Life Saving at
Sea, Ltd, London - - - 138
1036 Seamless Steel Boat Co, Ltd, Wakefield 162
385 Wallach Bros, Glasgow 95
Machine and Hand Tools for Engineers, Ship-
builders, Etc.
541 Bagshawe & Co, London - - - 109
398 Balderston & Co, Glasgow - 96
376 Boothman Patent Filter Syndicate, Ltd, 94
1061 Brit Schuckert Electric Co, Ltd, Lond. 164
460 Buck & Hickman, London - - 102
1039 Bullard Machine Tool Co., U.S.A. - 163
459 Burton, C. W., Griffiths & Co, London 101
611 Carron Company, Carron - - - 116
590 Champion Friction Clutch Co, Ltd,
508, 1062 Churchill, Charles, & Co, Ltd,
Glasgow .... 106, 165
437 Clifton & Waddell, Johnstone - - 99
259 Clyde Rubber Works Co, Ltd, Glasgow 83
510 Coates, Victor & Co, Ltd, Belfast - 106
599 Croft & Perkins, Bradford - - 115
475 Daniel, S. A., Ltd, Birmingham - 103
399 Dick, R. & J., Glasgow 96
367 Edelsten, John, & Son, Warrington - 91
600 Gibbs, John, & Son, Liverpool - - 115
220 Gilligan & Son, London 80
221 Henderson, H., & Sons, Dundee - 80
400 Hendry, Jas., Glasgow - - - 96
516 Herbert, Alfred, Ltd, Coventry - 107
438 Hetherington, J., & Sons, Ltd, Wehester 99
439 Holroyd, John, & Co, Manchester - 99
455 Hulse & Co, Ltd, Manchester - - 101
532 Ingersoll-Sergeant Drill Co, London 108
441, 1050 International Pneumatic Tool
Co, Ltd, London - - - 100, 164
436 Jones & Lainson Machine Co, U.S.A. 99
440 Kendall & Gent. Manchester - - 99
435 Lang, John, & Sons. Johnstone - 99
467 Leadbeater & Scott, Sheffield - - 102
542 Leith, Cardie & Co, Glasgow - - 109
1039 Loewe, Ludw., & Co, Ltd, London - 163
456 Louden Bi os., Johnstone - - 101
465 Macdonald, John, & Son, Glasgow - 102
278 M'Neii, F., & Co, London - - 85
461 Melhuish, Rich., Sons & Co, London 102
389 Milnes, Henry, Bradford 95
865 Murray, NTVinnie & Co, Glasgow - 138
533. IO57 New Taite-Howard Pneumatic
Tool Co, Ltd, London - - 108, 164
586 Pickerings, Ltd, Stockton-on-Tees - 113
469 Portable Forge Co, Glasgow - - 102
598 Richards, Geo. ,& Co, Ltd, Manchester 114
566 Ross, R. G., & Son, Glasgow - - in
372 Rudd, John A., Glasgow 93
442 Samuelson & Co, Ltd, Banbury - 100
484 Saville, J. J.,,& Co, Sheffield - - 104
453, 1041 Selig, Sonnenthal & Co, Lon-
don .........................ioi, 163
458 Shanks, Thomas, & Co, Johnstone - 101
454 Sharp. Stewart 3: Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 101
Stand No. Page
452 Smith & Coventry, Ltd, Salford, Man-
chester .........................IOI
579 Sterne, L., & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 113
564 Stewart, D., & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - in
591 Taylor & Challen, Ltd, Birmingham- 114
397 Tullis, John, & Son, Ltd, Glasgow - 96
485 Turnbull, John, jun. ,& Sons, Glasgow 104
547 United States Metallic Packing Co,
Ltd, Bradford - - - - no
385 Wallach Bros, London 95
375 Willcox, W. H., & Co Ltd, London 93
482 Willets, Chas., jun., Cradley Heath - 103
Marine Engineering.
582 Alley & Maclellan, Glasgow - - 113
540 Anti-Friction Alloys, Ltd, London - 109
500 Aspinall’s Patent Governor Co, L’pool 105
365 Barwell, Chas. J. W., Birmingham - 91
513 Beardmore, Win., & Co, Glasgow - 106
376 Boothman Patent Filter Syndicate,
Ltd, Darlington - - - 94
381 Bull’s Metal & Melloid Co, Ltd, Lond. 94
514 Cammell, Chas., & Co, Ltd, Sheffield 106
386 Carbon Cement Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 95
411 Clay Cross Co, Chesterfield - - 97
490, 1058 Darlington Forge Co, Ltd, 104, 164
556 Davie & Horne, Glasgow - - - m
498 Delta Metal Co, Ltd, London - - 105
580 Hall, J. & E., Ltd, Dartford - - 113
388 Henderson, Thos., Liverpool - - 95
544 Kincaid, John G., & Co., Greenock - ’ 109
509 Laing, Sir J., & Sons, Ltd, Sunderland 106
543 Lancaster & Tonge, Ltd, Manchester 109
478 Lockwood & Carlisle, Ltd, Sheffield - 103
593 M'Kie & Baxter, Govan - - - 114
530 Muntz Metal Co, Ltd, Birmingham - 108
493 Newton & Nicholson, South Shields - 104
391 Reid, J. Miller, Glasgow 95
387 Reid, Macfarlane & Co, Ltd, Glasgow 95
578 Richardsons, Westgarth & Co, Ltd,
518 Ross & Duncan, Ltd, Govan - - 107
553 Royles, Ltd, Manchester - - - no
487 Russell, Joseph Win., & Co, Glasgow 104
486 Schaffer & Budenberg, Glasgow 104
507 Simpson, Strickland & Co, Ltd, South
1059 Skoda Works, Ltd, Pilsen, Austria - 164
515 Steel Co. ot Scotland, Ltd, Glasgow 107
579 Sterne, L., & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 113
501 Tandem Smelting Synd. Ltd, London 105
547 United States Metallic Packing Co,
Ltd, Bradford - - - - no
396 Weir, G. & J., Ltd, Cathcart - - 96
499 Welsh, Arch., & Co, Ayr - . . 105
418 Wheeler Condenser & Engineering
Co. London.........................98
421 Willcox Bros., Sunderland - - 98
Matchmaking Machinery.
171 Diamond Match Co, Ltd, Liverpool - 75
Metallurgy, Metals and Alloys.
186 Alexander,- Fergusson & Co, Ltd,
540 Anti-Friction Alloys, Ltd, London - 109
470 Bra by, F., & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 102
381 Bull's Metal and Melloid Co, Ltd,
85 Campbell, T. B., & Sons, Glasgow - 68
498 Delta Metal Co, Ltd, Glasgow - • 105
474 Earle, Bourne & Co, Ltd, Birmingham 103
289 Gilchrist, Alex., Glasgow 86