International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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Subject Index of Exhibits.
Stand No. Page
210 , 537, M'Dougall & Sons, Glasgow 79, 109
205 Osler, F. & C., Birmingham - - 78
214 Pilkington’s Tile and Pottery Co,
Ltd, Manchester 79
215 Sneddon & Sons, Glasgow - - 79
Sundry Exhibits—Austrian Section - 194
Sundry Exhibits—Danish Section - 213
Sundry Exhibits—India and Ceylon - 175
Sundry Exhibits—Japanese Section - 214
Printing and Lithographing.
449 Aird & Coghill, Glasgow - - - 100
113 Andre & Sleigh, Ltd, Bushey - - 71
106 Annan, T. & R., & Sons, Glasgow - 70
99 Bayley & Ferguson, Glasgow 7°
102 Bryce, David, & Son, Glasgow - • 70
447 Carlaw, David, & Sons, Glasgow - 100
112 Cassell & Co, Ltd, London - - 71
97 Chambers, W. & R., Ltd, Edinburgh 70
953 Cyclostyle Co, London - - - 146
475 Daniel, S. A., Ltd, Birmingham - 103
176 Fleming, A. B., & Co, Ltd, Edinburgh 76
no Frowde, Henry, London - - - 71
448 Furnival & Co, and Mollinson & Co,
115 Gilmour & Dean, Glasgow - - 71
96 Gillott, Joseph, & Sons, Birmingham 69
450 Haddon, John, & Co, London - - 101
193 Hinshelwood, Thos., & Co, Glasgow- 77
108 Johnston, W. & A. K., Ltd, Edinburgh 70
103 Leng, John, & Co, Dundee - - 7°
X16 Lyon, Wm , Glasgow - - - 71
1038 Machinery Trust, The, Ltd, London 162
173 Mander Bros, Wolverhampton - - 75
413 Miller, A. B., & Co, Glasgow - • 97
114 Morrison, G. & M., Glasgow - - 71
98 MacLehose, Jas., & Sons, Glasgow - 70
445 Newsiim, Geo., Leeds - - - 100
534 Oatram, Geo., & Co, Glasgow - - 108
449 Payne & Sons, Otley - - - - 100
446 Reid, John, & Son, Glasgow - - 100
Sundry Exhibits—French Section - 195
451 Thjinlinson, John, Glasgow - - 101
444 Waite & Saville, Ltd, Otley - - 100
93 Young & Sons, Glasgow ... 69
Railway and Tramway Construction.
521 Barclay, A., Sons & Co, Ld, Kilmarn’k 107
365 Barwell, Chas. J. W., Birmingham - 91
513 Beardmore, Wm., & Co, Glasgow - 106
407 British Insulated Wire Co, Prescot - 97
506 British Griffin Iron and Steel Co, Ltd,
Barrow-in Furness - - - 105
1061 British Schuckert Electric Co, Ltd,
London - - " T&4
1040 British Westinghouse Electric and
Manufacturing Co, London - 163
a8i Bull’s Metal and Melloid Co, Ltd, Lond 94
C14 Cammell, Chas., & Co, Ltd, Sheffield 106
363 Croall, R. Douglas, Edinburgh - 91
520 Dick, Kerr & Co, Ltd, London - 107
364, 524, Dubs & Co, Glasgow - 91. 107
488 Findlay, Alex., & Co, Ltd, Motherwell 104
380 Fry, Sir Theo., & Co, Ltd, Darlington 94
504 Glengarnock Iron and Steel Co, Ltd,
Glasgow ----- 105
809 Great S thern & W'tern Rly.Co, Dublin 119
817 Great Western Railway, London - 120
1052 Halford, H. S., London - - - 164
936 Hudson, J., & Co, Birmingham - 145
502 Indestructible Rolled Steel Axle
Box Co, Ltd, London - - 105
467 Leadbeater & Scott, Sheffield - - 102
Stand No. . Page
615 Locomotive Publishing Co, Ltd - 116
491 M Neil, Chas., Glasgow - - - 104
526, 614, Neilson, Reid & Co, Glasgow 108 116
473 Pease, J. F., & Co, Ltd, Darlington - 103
1032 Peters, G. D., & Co, London - - 162
522 Pickering, R. Y., & Co, Ltd, Wishaw 107
525 Sharp, Stewart & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 107
394 Shepherd, Alex., Glasgow - - 95
515 SteelCompanyofScotland, Ltd,Glasgow 107
527 Stewart,A.&J.,&Menzies,Ltd,Glasgow 108
483 Swinden, C. F. E., & Co, London - 103
Ropes, Cables, and Twines.
430 Allan, Whyte & Co, Rutherglen - 99
4 Caledonian Wire Rope Co, Ltd, Airdrie 63
489 Cooke, Win., & Co, Ltd, Sheffield - 104
8 Govan Rope Work Co, Govan - 63
3 Houghton, Wm. D., Warrington - 63
266 Mitchell, Andrew, & Co, Ltd, Glasgow 84
• 235 Moss, Rimniington & Co, Ltd, Selby 81
40 Natural Fertilizer Co, The, Glasgow - 66
5 Newall, R. S , & Son, Ltd, Glasgow 63
Sundry Exhibits—Russian Section - 192F
87 Bourtreehill Coal Co, Dreghorn - 68
555 Bradford, Thos., & Co., London - no
82 Buick, Chas., & Sons, Alloa - - 68
85 Campbell, T. B., & Sons, Glasgow - 68
86 Doulton & Co, Ltd, London - - 68
87 Errington, Roger, Sunderland - - 66
90 Gartcraig Fireclay Co, Ltd, Glasgow 69
431 Glenfield & Kennedy, Ltd, Kilmarnock 99
89 Glenboig U. Fireclay Co, Ltd, Glasgow 69
254 Jaeger’s, Dr, Sanitary Woollen System
Co, Ltd, London - - - - S3
177, 1042 Lever Bros, Ltd, Port-Sunlight 76,163
523 M'Dowall, Steven & Co, Ltd, Glasgow 107
519 Macfarlane, Walter & Co, Glasgow - 107
610 Mather & Platt, Ltd, Manchester - 116
42 Morris, Little & Son, Ltd, Doncaster 66
41 Peat Moss Litter Co, Ltd, London - 66
43 Robertson, Alex., Oban - - - 66
80 Septic Tank Syndicate, Ltd. Exeter - 68
81 Shanks & Co, Ltd, Barrhead - - 68
86 Stevenson, Wm., & Co, Glasgow - 68
88 Sturrock, Win., Glasgow - - - 69
89 Twyfords Ltd, Hanley - - 68
90 Thorley, Joseph, Ltd, London - - 66
Sewing and Knitting Machines.
240 Baldwin & Walker, Ltd, Halifax - 81
241 Coats, J. & P., Ltd, Paisley - - 79
218 - Fleming, Reid & Co, Ltd, Greenock - 80
243 Foster, James, Preston 82
243 Fraser, Ross & Co, Ltd, Glasgow • 82
244 Harrison Patent Knitting MachineCo,
Ltd, Manchester - - - - 81
236 Singer Manufacturing Co, London - 81
258 Wheeler & Wilson, Glasgow 83
Shipbuilding Material, Rigging, Fittings
and Furnishings.
856 Alexander, Wm., & Co, Glasgow - 137
582 Alley & MacLellan, Glasgow - - 113
500 Anti-collision Alarm Telegraph Co,
Ltd, Liverpool .... 105
477 Barr & Stroud, Glasgow - - - 103
513 Beardmore, Wm., & Co, Glasgow - 106
1055 Bon-Accord Acetylene Gas Co, Aberd’n 164
868 Broadfoot, John, & Sons, Glasgow - 138
859 Buchanan, Walter, Glasgow - - 137
514 Cammell, Chas., & Co, Ltd, Sheffield io5