International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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Subject Index of Exhibits.
Stand No. Page
376 Boothman Patent Filter Syndicate,
Ltd, Glasgow........................94
386 Carbon Cement Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 95
447 Carlaw, David, & Sons. Glasgow - 100
577 Carruthers, J. II.. & Co, Glasgow - 112
411 Clay Cross Co, Chesterfield - - 97
595 Cochrane, John, Barrhead - - - 114
517 Colville, D., & Sons, Ltd, Motherwell 107
556 Davie & Horne, Glasgow - - - m
528 Deighton’s Patent Flue & Tube Co,
Ltd, Leeds.........................108
575 Drysdale & Co. Glasgow - - - 112
401 Frictionless Engine Packing Co,
Ltd, Manchester - - - - 96
503 Galloways, Ltd, Glasgow - - - 105
17 General Electric Co, Ltd, Manchester 115
512 Glasgow Iron & Steel Co, Ltd, Glasgow 106
554, 1051 Green, E., & Son, Ltd, Manchester
546 Harris Patent Feed Water Filters, Ltd,
468 Hafter, A., Glasgow - - - - 102
388 Henderson, Thos., Liverpool - - 95
390 Hunt & Mitton, Birmingham - - 95
1035 Ince Forge Co, Ltd, Wigan - - 162
543 Lancaster & Tonge, Ltd, Manchester 109
478 Lockwood & Carlisle, Ltd, Sheffield - 103
456 Loudon Bros, Glasgow - - - 101
610 Mather & Platt. Ltd, Manchester - 116
262 MacLellan, George, & Co, Glasgow - 83
551 Milne, C. Williamson. London - no
479 Macdonald, John, & Co, Pollokshaws 103
593 M‘Kie & Baxter, Glasgow - - - 114
491 M'Neil, Chas., Glasgow - - - 104
493 Newton & Nicholson, S. Shields - 104
557 Pulsometer Engineer. Co, Ltd, Lond, m
576 Railton & Campbe 1, Glasgow - - 112
578 Richardsons, Westgarth & Co, Ltd,
Hartlepool ..... 113
387 Reid, Macfarlane & Co, Glasgow - 95
417 Reavell & Co. Ltd. Ipswich - - 98
487 Russell, Joseph Wm., & Co, Glasgow 104
518 Ross & Duncan, Glasgow - - - 107
391 Reid, J. Miller, Glasgow - - - 95
553 Royles, Ltd, Manchester - - - no
486 Schaffer & Budenberg, Glasgow - 104
559 Shanks, Alex., & Son, Ltd, Arbroath in
507 Simpson, Strickland & Co, Ltd,
419 Sinclair, Geo., Leith - - - 98
515 Steel Co of Scotland. Ltd Glasgow - 107
527 Stewart, A. & J. & Menzies, Ltd,
568 Tangyes, Ltd, Birmingham - - 112
1046 Thoinycroft, John J., & Co, London 163
604 Thwaites Bros., Ltd, Bradford - - 115
481 United Flexible Metallic Tubing Co,
Ltd, Glasgow - - - - 103
547 U.S. Metal. Packing Co,Ltd, Bradford no
396 Weir, G. & J., Ltd, Cathcart - - 96
418 Wheeler Cond. & Engineer. Co, Lond. 98
618 Wild, J., & Co., Middlesborough
(Pyrometers, Gauges, etc.) - - 116
492 Willins & Robinson, Ltd. Rugby - 104
574 Worthington Pump. Engine Co, Lond. 112
Structural and Architectural Material.
282 Adams, Robert, London - - - 85
1003 Boyd, James, & Sons, Paisley - ■ 161
295 Brown & Co, Glasgow 86
370 Bryden & Middleton, Glasgow - "93
470 Braby, F., & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 102
315 Crawford, John, Glasgow 88
488 Findlay, Alex., & Co, Ltd, Motherwell 104
Stand No. Page
301 Hamilton Arch., Glasgow - - 87
371 M'Culloch, Andrew, Glasgow - 93
1048 Macdonald, A., & Co, Ltd, Aberdeen 163
404 M'Geoch, Wm., & Co, Ltd, Glasgow 96
1045 MacLellan, P. & W., Ltd., Glasgow 163,
278 M'Neil, F., & Co, London - - 85
473 Pease’s Tubular Construction Syndi-
cate, Ltd, Darlington - - - 103
275 Ritchie, Francis, & Son, Ltd, Belfast 85
316 Rome, George, & Co, Glasgow - - 88
12, 1002 Speirs & Co, Glasgow - - 64, 161
Sundry Exhibits—Canadian Section - 180
127 Glebe Sugar Refining Co, Greenock - 72
491 M'Neil, Charles, Glasgow - - - 104
163 Sankey Sugar Co, Earlston - - 75
564 Stewart, D., & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 111
Sundry Exhibits-—Russian Section - 192F
531 Watson, Laidlaw & Co, Glasgow - 108
Surgical, Scientific and Nautical Instruments.
415 Avery, W. & T., Ltd, Glasgow - - 97
931 Baird & Tatlock, Glasgow - - - 144
477 Barr & Stroud, Glasgow - - - 103
930 Brown. James, Glasgow - - - 144
374 Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co,
Ltd, Cambridge 93
933 Cussons, Geo., Manchester - - 144
947 Dick, James, Glasgow - - - 146
869 Dobbie, Alex., & Son, Ltd, Glasgow 139
925 Down Bros, London - - - 144
935 Hilliard, W. B., & Sons, Glasgow - 145
927 Kelvin & James White, Ltd, Glasgow 144
949 Lovibond, Joseph W., Salisbury - 146
858 M‘Gregor, D., & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 137
929 Mackenzie & Co, Glasgow - - - 144
946 Mason, Geo., & Co, Glasgow - - 146
41 Peat Moss Litter Co, Ltd, London - 66
1031 Pintschs Patent Lighting Co, London 162
928 Rae Bros, Glasgow . - - - 144
948 Scotland, R. G., Glasgow - - - 146
1064 Steven & Struthers, Glasgow - - 165
Sundry Exhibits—French Section - 195
857 Whyte, Thomas, & Co., Glasgow - 137
Textile Fabries and Machinery.
238 Anderson’s, John, Royal Polytechnic,
Ltd, Glasgow - - - - 81
1106 Andreasen, C., Peter Bangsvey,
1105« Armenian Exhibit - . - . 155
240 Baldwin & Walker, Ltd, Halifax - 8i
1115a Bagley, Miss Clive .... 156
46b Beer, Max, Austria .... 102
891 Bowie, W. & T., Bridgeton - - 141
328 Briggs, Wm., & Co, Ltd 89
217 Brown, John S., & Sons, Belfast - 80
196 Brunner, Mond, & Co, Ltd, Northwich 77
250 Buckley, Wm., Delph 82
429 Carver Looms, Ltd, The, Glasgow - 99
215 Coats, J. & P., Ltd, Paisley - - 79
327 Conder & Co, Ltd - - - - 89
1105 Crawford & MacGjllivary, Misses,
1102 Decoration Needlework Society, Lond. 155
1108 Douglas, C & J., Glasgow - - 155
1103 Dunlop, Hugh. & Sons, Glasgow - 155
280 Ferrier, J. A., & Co., Glasgow - - 85
281 Fleming, Reid & Co., Ltd, Greenock 80
282 Forsyth, R. W., Glasgow - - - 80
283 Foster, John, & Son, Ltd, Bradford - 83
284 Foster, Jam s. Preston - - - 82