International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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Every Visitor before leaving should secure at one of the Catalogue Stalls the
exhibition Souvenir Song folio,
which contains a unique selection of one hundred Grand Old'
Favourites, with Pianoforte accompaniment, including Songs, Duets,
and Sacred Solos.
PAPER COVERS, is. 6d. CLOTH, 2s. 6d. Post, sd. extra.
The Official Publisher of the Exhibition is pleased to announce that the above
EXHIBITION ‘ SOUVENIR SONG FOLIO,” can be had at all the Catalogue
Stalls, or may be sent by post to any address. Each Song is worth the price asked
for the entire Volume.
The following is a List of the
Songs, etc.
x. Prince of Peace (Gounod)
2. Jessie’s Drcam
3. Katie's Letter
4. Thou art so near
5. Afton Water
6. Alas I those Chimes
7. All's Well!
8. Anchor’s Weighed
9. Angels ever bright
xo. Army and Navy
it. Auid House
12. Banks of Allan Water
13. Bonnie Banks of Lochlomond
14 Brave old Oak
15. By the Sad Sea Waves
16. Camptown Races
17. Coinin' thro’ the Rye
18. Death of frelson
19. The Diver
20. Drinking I
21. Ever of Thee
22. Gipsy Counters
23. Goodbye! Sweetheart
24. Good Rhine Wine
25. Guard Ship
26. Heart bow’d down
27. He shall feed His Flock
28. He was despised
29. I dreamt that I dwelt
30. In happy moments
31. Irish Emigrant
32. Juanita
33. Land o’ the Leal
34. Larboard Watch
35. Last Rose of Summer
56. Low Backed Car
57. Marguerite
58. Maid of Llangollen
59. March of Cameron Men
60. Murmur of the Shell
4r . My Pretty Jane
42. Norah, the Pride
43. O Rest in the Lord
44. Rocked in the Cradle
45. Rose of Tralee
h6. Sally in our Alley
47. Scenes that are Brightest
48. Scotland Yet
49. Shells of Ocean
50. She wore a. Wreath
51. Simon the Cellarer
52. There is a Flower
53. ’Tis but a little faded
54. To Anthea
55. Tom Bowling
56. Village Blacksmith
57. What are the Wild Waves
58. When other Lips
59. When the heart is young
60. The White Sciuall
61. Yes ! let me like
62. A Life on the Ocean
63. Arab's Farewell
64. Ash Grove
65. Barny O’Hea
66. Bay of Biscay
67. Bonny Mary of Argyle
68. But the Lord is mindful
69. Cam yc by Athol
70. Come into the Garden, Maud
71. Excelsior
72. Flying Dutchman
73. Her brign’ Smile
74. If I had a thousand
75. John Peel
76. Lass that loves a Sailor
77. Light of other days
78. Mary Morrison
79. Meeting of the Waters
80. My Love is like &
81. My Mother bids me
82. O rinn as Oak
83. Oft in the stiHy Night
84. Pilgrran of Love
85. The Pilot
86. Polly Wolly Doodle
P7 . In this old Chair
88. ’Twas within a Mile
89. The Three Fishers
90. The Thorn
91. W»>o is Sylvia
92. Why do f weep
93. Dame Margery
94. Rory O’Morc
95. Soiomon Levi
96. Tho” art gone from my gaze
97. V here has Scotland fou..d
her 'ame
98. The Wanderer
99. Unto Thee, O Lord
100. Old Folks at Ho<ue
Official Publisher to the Glasgow International Exhibition, 1901,