International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue

År: 1901

Forlag: Chas. P. Watson

Sted: glasgow

Sider: 431

UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow

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68 dark blue on plan. South-East Court. Class II. CLASS II. INDUSTRIAL DESIGN AND MANUFACTURES. SOUTH-EAST COURT. 80 Septic Tank Syndicate, Ltd., 7 and 8 Bedford Circus, Exeter; Westminster—Models and Photos of Septic Tank Installations and Full Size Fittings. Samples of Filtrates Produced after Treatment of Sewage. 81 Shanks & Co. Ltd., Sanitary Engineers, Tubal Works and Victorian Pottery, Barrhead, near Glasgow; Showrooms and Offices, 26 West Nile Street, Glasgow ; 81 New Bond Street, London, W.; 12 Deansgate Manchester-Baths, Lavatories, Water Closets, Urinals, Sinks, and Kindred Articles. Fitted Bath- rooms, etc. (See Advt. below.) Buick, Charles, & Sons, Hilton Fire Clay Brick and Tile Works Alloa- Enamelled Fire Clay Baths. Closets, Sinks, Tubs, Lavatories^ Glazed Sewage Pipes and Traps. Terra Cotta Ridges and Finials. Flower Pots, Seed Pans, and Fern Stands. 82 83 Doulton & Co., Ltd., Lambeth, London, S.E., Burslem, Staff., and Glasgow— Sanitary Goods of every description. Glazed Fireplaces and Stoves. Art Wares in China, Earthenware, and Stoneware. 84 Twyfords Ltd., Cliffe Vale Potteries and Engineering Works, Hanley, Stafford- shire. Glasgow Showrooms : 95 Bath Street.—Water Closets, Lavatory Basin% Urinals, Baths. Special Hospital and other Institution Fittings. Sinks, Wash- tubs, and General Sanitary Specialities fitted with all necessary appliances, etc. GRAND AVENUE. 85 Campbell, T. B., & Sons, 29 Wellington Street, Glasgow; and Clyde Lead Works, Kinning Park, Glasgow.—Bathroom fitted with all Requisites. The Daisy Boiler and the “Safford” Radiator. Lavatories, Closets, Sinks, Tubs, etc. (See Advt, page 343.) 86 Stevenson, Wm., & Co., 72 to 80 Brown Street, Glasgow.—Tubes and Pipes manufactured from Lead, Copper, Tin, Zinc, Iron, Rolled Metals, etc. Sanitary Appliances and Fittings. Pig Lead, Ingot Tin, Ores, etc. (See Advt., page 359.) 87 Bourtreehill Coal Co., Dreghorn, Ayrshire; Bourtreehill Fire Clay Works, Dreghorn- Warrix Fire Clay Works, Irvine; and Lochhead Fire Clay Works Dunfermline: Glasgow Office, 120-130 Salkeld Street, S.S.—Feeding Troughs. Water Cisterns, Bricks, Sinks, Wash Tubs, Closets, Grease and Sewer JLraps Sewer Pipes and Connections, Manufactured in Salt Glazed and Enamelled Ware. Specialities—Extra Yellow Glazed Sewer Pipes, Hutchison’s Patent Faucet Pipes, Peddie’s Patent Faucet Pipes, Broad & Co ’s Manhole Channels and Traps, Macnab’s Patent Overflow on Sinks, Armstrong’s Patent Inspection Openings. STAND No. 81. SHANKS & CO., Ltd., SANITARY ENGINEERS, Tubal Works and Victorian Pottery, GLASGOW OFFICE AND SHOWROOM : 26 West Nile Street. BARRHEAD. All the Lavatories in this Exhibition have been supplied and fitted up by S« & Co., Ltd.