The Panama Pacific International Exposition 1915

År: 1915

Sider: 38

UDK: 6064 San Fran

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MANUFACTURES AND VARIED INDUSTRIES of mankind, and, consequently, the exhibitor will get the maximum for his expenditure. More, if the Panama Canal unites two great oceans, highways of the world, these oceans wash both shores of one great civilized country, the United States, lying in the transoceanic center of trade routes the world around, vitalizing forever the great seaports of New York and San Francisco, then that country, and by the same law its central western seaport, is the best country and the best city in which to hold an Exposition for the purpose of displaying the manufactures of the world. And this truth will but grow stronger and more real with the coming years, for many writers unite upon the fact that, with the Canal open, westward bound European and United States trade bound for the Orient can in the same way touch at San Francisco. Again, the latter becomes the center of world- trade and the best exposition city for the manufacturer. Again, if propinquity gives to England and Germany pre- dominance in European manufacturing trade, the same law will ultimately give the United States dominance in South American trade, a position not now held by a nation pecu- liarly fitted for manufacturing exports. But these inherent forces are to be tried out by competition based upon natural strength, and again, by the law of the survival of the fittest, the United States and its future western seaport metropolis, San Francisco, become the center of everything and an ex- position ground worth more to the exhibitor than any other that might be chosen. Still further, if a single trade route pass through the Canal, it affects all other trade routes and manufacturers’ markets the world around as battling trade winds beat ocean waves upon every shore. From this influence develop new and unguessed areas of production and consumption, mag- netize new and competing industries, thrill to higher life inferior peoples, and establish manufacturers and manufac- turers’ markets in new zones. A world exposition will dis- close which way the trade wind blows, and the exhibitor will gain as much in receptive knowledge, by his exhibit, of where to sell, what to sell and when to sell, as he will gain showing [ 13.]